Cheque from the Lancaster Banking Company on Behalf of the Ulverstone & Lancaster Railway Company cheque 1852
Cheque from the Manchester & Liverpool District Banking Company Ltd Manchester for Midland Railway Company to Mr W Towle, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool for commission on ordinary and tourist tickets issued at the Adelphi Hotel; attached, Midland Railway Company Account and Accountants certificate, 1904-1905. cheque 1904-1905
Cheque for twenty pounds payable to self, drawn on Messrs. Glyn, Hallifax, Mills & Co., London] / Geo. Stephenson. 1846 Dec 7. Bears signature 'Geo. Stephenson'. Cheque signed by George Stephenson, 7 December 1846 1846
Cheque, Midland Railway Company, No3792, 24 May 1912, £5/-/- in favour of Mr R.V. Ovam, (Other Associations 82/25/81) (Note in original leger see 83/25/264&265). Cheque, Midland Railway Company
Cheque, first dividend after tax, paid by British Transport Hotels Ltd, St Pancras Chambers, Euston Road, London NW1 to British Railways Board for the year ending 31 Dec 1963 Cheque, first dividend after tax 1964
Cheque to Messrs Crompton Newton & Co, Derby, from Midland Railway Company To Mr Jas Williams [for total of Director's expenses]. For £39-10-0. With one penny stamp. Dated 1876. Midland Railway Company cheque 1876-05-02