Object type

Series of photographs showing phases of movement of a man jumping a hurdle, by Étienne-Jules Marey


Seven photographs showing phases of movement of a running or jumping man


Series of Photographs Showing Phases of Movement of a Running Man


'Pl. VII. Putting the Weight, Sheldon (American), Paris Olympic Games' Series of photographs, showing successive phases of movement of champion athletes at the Olympic Games, Paris, 1900. Taken by Lucien Bull and Étienne-Jules Marey on moving film with latest-type chronophotographic camera, constructed about 1896.

Pl. VII. Putting the Weight, Paris Olympic Games


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '2' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 2


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '1' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 1


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '6' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 6


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '5' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 5


Second of six photographs of chronophotographic apparatus, and of results showing phases of movement of a running or jumping man, made by Étienne-Jules Marey, c. 1892.

Second of six photographs of chronophotographic apparatus


Five of six photographs of chronophotographic apparatus, and of results showing phases of movement of a running or jumping man, made by Étienne-Jules Marey, c. 1892.

Five of seven photographs showing phases of movement of a running or jumping man


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '3' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 3


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '7' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 7


One of fifteen enlarged photographs, showing phases of movement of a walking horse, made by Étienne-Jules Marey from negatives taken on a moving film, c. 1890-1892. Annotated '4' bottom left corner of image.

Trotting Horse 4


Five series of photographs, showing successive phases of movement of champion athletes at the Olympic Games, Paris, 1900. Taken by Étienne-Jules Marey on moving film with his latest-type chronophotographic camera, constructed about 1896.

Five series of photographs showing successive phases of movement of atheletes


Pl. X, High Jump from Standing, Evry (American), Paris Olympic Games Series of photographs, showing successive phases of movement of champion athletes at the Olympic Games, Paris, 1900. Taken by Lucien Bull and Étienne-Jules Marey on moving film with latest-type chronophotographic camera, constructed about 1896.

Pl. X, High Jump from Standing, Paris Olympic Games