Trans Manche Link uniform coat, red nylon with quilted blue nylon lining, torn in places, size large, issued to Eugene Melody, site engineer on Channel Tunnel 1989-91. Trans - Manche Link Uniform Coat
British Railways mackintosh, Midnight blue cotton, formerly the property of engineering inspector G Russell British Railways mackintosh 1955
Greatcoat, Great Western Railway, Horse Carter, c.1925. Horse carter's greatcoat, Great Western Railway 1925
Eurostar uniform overcoat, full length, single breasted, blue cloth, belt, plastic buttons with logo, zip for hood attachment [no hood]. eurostar uniform overcoat
British Rail Intercity uniform overcoat, 3/4 length, single breasted, red cloth, plastic buttons. British Rail Intercity uniform overcoat
British Railways uniform mackintosh, black, formerly the property of engineering inspector G Russell British Rail Uniform Mackintosh 1950