Object type

Bottle of Bromoform compound syrup


Amber glass bottle of 'Somnytic' tablets with cork stopper. 102mm x 38 mm x 22 mm, 64g. Printed label reads, 'TABELLAE/No. 232a./Somnytic/Malourea Sodium grs. 2 1/2/ Phenacetin 2 1/4/ Codein gr. 1/4/POISON/PHILIP HARRIS & CO. (1913) LD./...' Distributed by Phillip Harris and Co. Ltd., English

Bottle of 'Somnytic' pills

125ml unopened glass bottle, in original box, full of Benylin with codeine syrup (diphenhydramine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate, chloroform, and menthol. Bottle: 120 mm x 45 mm diameter, 273 g. Produced by Parke Davis, Wales, 1970-1985. Stamp indicates this bottle was dispensed by R.T. Christopher in Bradford-on-Avon

125ml unopened glass bottle of Benylin with codeine syrup


Metal tube in original carton of 20 Antoin 'soluble analgesic' tablets (aspirin, codeine, caffeine). 20 mm x 95 mm x 20 mm, 19g. Produced by Cox-Continental, English, 1960-1985.

Metal tube in original carton of 20 Antoin 'soluble analgesic' tablets


125ml glass bottle, in original box, two-thirds full of Benylin with codeine syrup (diphenhydramine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate, chloroform, and menthol. Bottle: 120 mm x 45 mm diameter, 239g. Produced by Parke Davis, Wales, 1970-1985.

125ml glass bottle of Benylin with codeine syrup


225ml plastic dispensing bottle of Terpoin Antitussive (contains codeine phosphate). 150mm x 50 mm diameter, 266g. Produced by Hough, Hoseason and Co., English, 1960-1985.

Plastic bottle of Terpoin Antitussive


Unopened round plastic container of 100 Pharmidone (paracetamol, codeine phosphate and caffeine) tablets. 80 mm x 57 mm diameter, 87 g. Produced by Farmitalia Carlo Erba,English, expires 1983.

Pharmidone (paracetamol, codeine phosphate and caffeine) tablets


Three glass tubes (two in original cardboard cartons) of 'Delton' compound Salicylamide tablets with blue plastic lids. 20 mm x 70 mm x 20 mm, 17g (each). 10 tablets containing Salicylamide, Phenacetin, Caffeine, and Codeine Phosphate. Interior label reads, 'DELTON/ compound/ Salicylamide Tablets/.../For relieving the pain of rheumatism, toothache, headache etc. and checking colds, coughs and influenza/....' Small white chemists labels on the cartons show that each packet of tablets was sold for 10p. Manufactured by Harrogate Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Wales, 1960-1980 and prescribed by B. Marks (Chemists) Clevedon.

3 glass tubes (2 in packets) of Delton compound Salicylamide


125ml glass bottle, in original box, of Phensedyl cough linctus (promethazine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate and ephedrine). 115 mm x 50 mm diameter, 289 g. Made by May and Baker, 1970-1985.

125ml glass bottle of Phensedyl cough linctus


12 tablets of blister packed Pharmidone tablets ( paracetamol, codeine phosphate and caffeine) in original carton.70 mm x 100 mm x 15 mm, 15g. By Farmitalia Carlo Erba, English, 1970-1985.

12 tablets of blister packed Pharmidone tablets


Carton of 16 physicians sample packs of 2 Veganin tablets (aspirin, paracetamol, and codeine) each. 45 mm x 83 mm x 44 mm, 34g. Produced by Wm. R. Warner, English, 1960-1980.

Carton of 8 physicians samples of Veganin tablets


Glass bottle with plastic lid half-full of Orthoxicol cough syrup (codeine, methoxyphenamine). 102 mm x 40 mm diameter, 139 g. By Upjohn of England Ltd. of Crawley, Sussex, English, 1950-1975.

Bottle of Orthoxicol cough syrup


Two amber glass bottles of aspirin, phenacetin and codeine tablets with bakelite lids. 86mm x 40 mm x 27 mm. Both bottles are labled with a cream printed label with black type face, ' 25/ Compressed tablets/ No. 726/ ASPIRIN/PHENACETIN/AND CODEINE/...Dose: 1 to 2 tablets/...Hounslow near London. One bottle is full of tablets which have become crystallised and weighs 81 g. The other bottle contains only 3 tablets, which are in better condition. Contents indicate the pills would have been used as pain relievers. Phenacetin was one of the first non-opiate analgestics on the market. Made by Parke, Davis and Co., Ltd., English, 1910-1940.

Two bottles of aspirin, phenacetin and codeine tablets


Glass bottle with plastic lid of 'Orthoxicol' cough syrup ( methoxyphenamine, codeine, and sodium citrate), with traces remaining. 190 mm x 72 mm diameter, 388 g. By Upjohn of England Ltd., English, 1940-1970.

Bottle of Orthoxicol Cough Syrup


One plastic container of 500 'Co-dydramol' (paracetamol and dihydrocodeine) tablets. 134 mm x 79 mm. Printed label reads, '500/ CO-DYDRAMOL/ Dihydrocodeine and/ paracetamol tablets/ (PARAMOL)/ DOSE/ Analgesia: Adults and children over/ 12 years-one tablet every four hours.../Antitussive: 1 tablet every four hours.../ Duncan Flockhart & Co. Ltd/... ' Manufactured by Duncan Flockhart, Ealing, London, 1960-1985.

Plastic container of 500 'Co-dydramol' tablets


Brown glass, rectangle based small bottle with plastic pop cap and paper label. To contain 100 tablets of codeine phosphate. Codeine is an analgesic manufactured from the methylation of morphine. It is much less toxic than morphine and even large do not produce the central depression characteristic of morphine. Doses larger than 60 mg rarely produce any greater analgesic effect than lower doses.

Brown glass


Plastic canister with plastic pop lid and paper label. Canister contains tablets of codeine phosphate, an analgeasic produced from the methylation of morphine.

Canister containing tablets of codeine phosphate


Clear glass, circle based, ribbed bottle with cork stopper and paper label. Containing a trace amount of syrup of codeine phosphate BPC.

bottle; controlled drug; codeine


Glass dish of codeine alkaloid lumps. 20 mm x 57 mm diameter, 52 g. Handwritten label reads, ' CODEINE.' Unknown maker, unknown origin, possibly 19th century.

Glass dish of codeine alkaloid lumps. 20 mm x 57 mm diameter, label reads: 'CODEINE'


Glass bottle with glass stopper and chamois covering full of Codeine and Glycerine jelly.113 mm x 56 mm diameter, 303 g. Produced Savory and Moore Ltd., English

Glass bottle of Codeine and Glycerine Jelly

Glass dispensing bottle with metal screw top half-full of 'Oscosed' tablets ( aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine and codeine phosphate). By Oppenheimer, Son and Co. Ltd., English, 1940-1960.

Glass bottle of 'Oscosed' tablets


Glass clinical sample tube for 15 'Pardale' tablets (paracetamol, codeine, caffeine) with 2 tablets remaining. 73 mm x 20 mm diameter, 15 g. Produced by Dales Pharmaceuticals Ltd., English, 1960-1980.

Tube of Pardale tablets


Tin dispensing canister containing 'Pardale' tablets (Paracetamol, codeine phosphate and caffeine). 60 mm x 59 mm diameter, 80 g. Label reads, ' In all cases where there is moderate, acute or chronic pain, including - Headache, Rheumatic Disorders, Neuralagia & Neuritis, Dysmenorrhoea etc.' By Dales Pharmaceuticals, from Savory and Moore, London, 1950-1960.

Tin Canister of Pardale tablets


Glass 500 ml bottle of Linctifed expectorant, (pseudophedrine sulphate, codeine phosphate, triprolidine, guaiphenesin), half-full. 200 mm x 70 mm diameter, 756g. By Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1960-1985.

Glass 500 ml bottle of Linctifed expectorant, half-full. 200 mm x 70 mm diameter


Plastic tube of 16 'Codilax' tablets (paracetamol, codeine phsophate, caffeine, phenolphthanlein). Printed label in red lettering reads, Sure Shield/CODILAX/.../CODILAX will give prompt relief in Headaches/ Migraine, Neuralgia, Rheumatic pains, etc./ The laxative content prevents constipation frequently/ associated with codein...'. Maker unknown, English, 1960-1980.

Bottle of 16 'Codilax' tablets


Eight canisters of "Codilax" tablets, in original display carton. Carton: Height 60 mm x Width 88 mm x Depth 111 mm, 191g; Tubes: Height 77 mm x Diameter 21 mm, 20g.Plastic tubes contain 16 'Codilax' tablets (paracetamol, codeine phosphate, caffeine, phenolphthanlein). Printed label in red lettering reads, 'Sure Shield/CODILAX/.../CODILAX will give prompt relief in Headaches/ Migraine, Neuralgia, Rheumatic pains, etc./ The laxative content prevents constipation frequently/ associated with codein...' Maker unknown, English, 1960-1980.

Shop display box containing eight 'Codilax'


Canister of 'Codoforme Botol' tablets (Codeine), complete with contents. Instructions on canister for dosages relating to both adults and children. Height 67 mm x diameter 27 mm, weight 19g. Inscribed: 'CODOFORME/BOTOL/20 TABLETS / ... / CODEIN... B.P. 1948 gr. 1 7 / .../ TINCT. BELLAD. B.P. m. 2/CONTINENTAL LABORATORIES LTD./101, Great Russell Street,/LONDON, W.C.1/...'. by Continental Laboratories Ltd., 101 Great Russell Street, London, WC1, England. English, 1950-1970.

Canister of 'Codeforme Botol' tablets


Clear glass, rectangle based bottle with plastic screw cap and paper label. To contain 25 compound tablets of codeine, with the active ingredients of aspirin, phenacetin and codeine. All three are analgesics. Codein is a powerful analgesic produced the methylation of morphine.

bottle; controlled drug; codeine

Glass dispensing bottle with metal twist lid half-full of 'Oscosed' tablets (codeine phosphate, caffeien, phenacetin, acid acetylsalicyl). 113 mm x 55 mm x 28 mm, 157 g. By Oppenheiner and Son Ltd., from Savory and Moore, English, 1940-1960.

Glass bottle of 'Oscosed' tablets


Glass bottle with plastic lid of 'Neurodyne' capsules (contain codeine phosphate), half-full. 116 mm x 58 mm diameter, 200g. Produced by Wade Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Scottish, 1950-1970.

Bottle of 'Neurodyne' capsules


Professional sample of 40 Syndol 'Analgesic tablets' (paracetamol, codeine and caffeine) in strips of four, unopened. 48 mm x 49 mm x 63 mm, 44g. Made by Merrell, English, 1970-1985.

Carton, with 10 strips of 4 Syndol tablets


Glass bottle of BROVON ELIXIR (codeine phosphate, methyl-atropine nitrate, ephedrine hydrochloride),complete with contents, a preparation for the treatment of coughing, asthma, and bronchitis. Height 155 mm; Width 55 mm; Depth 30 mm; weight 282g. Made by Moore Medicinal Product Ltd. of Aberdeen. Scottish 1950-1975.

Bottle of Brovon Elixir


4 individual blister packs each with four tablets of Codis (aspirin and codeine phosphate), professional sample. 80 mm x 80 mm 7g. Back label on packet reads, 'Each tablet contains Asprigin B.P. 500 mg and Codeine/Phosphate Ph. Eu. 8mg./ For the relief of pain, including headaches, neuralgia/ period pains, toothache, and symptoms of cols/ influenza and feverish conditions./...' Produced by Reckitt and Colman, Hull, England, 1970-1985.

Sample packet of 'Codis'


Canister of 'Codasphen' tablets (Codeine Phosphate). Height 81 mm x diameter 23 mm, weight 18g. Inscribed: 'EXTRA RAPID / ANALGESIC Codasphen TABLETS / 15 Tablets containing: / Codeine Phosphate 1/8 gr. / ... / FOR HEADACHE . NEURALGIA. COLDS . INFLUENZA . RHEUMATISM . ETC. / MOORE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS LTD./ABERDEEN SCOTLAND'. Made by Moore Medicinal Products Ltd., Aberdeen. Scottish, 1950-1970.

Canister of Codasphen tablets


125ml glass bottle, in original box, of Phensedyl cough linctus (promethazine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate and ephedrine). 115 mm x 50 mm diameter, 289 g. Made by May and Baker, 1970-1985.

125ml glass bottle of Phensedyl cough linctus


Pack of 2x30ml bottles in box, professional sample, of Dimotane and Codeine paediatric expectorant (guaiphenesin, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, brompheniramine,codeine). 87 mm x 63 mm x 32 mm, 171g. Made by A.H. Robins, English, 1970-1985.

Pack of 2 x 30ml bottles in box, professional sample, of Dimotane and Codeine paediatric expectorant


Carton for 12 Panadeine Co. tablets (paracetamol and codeine),contains 20 tablets in blister packs. 87 mm x 70 mm x 15 mm, 23g. Produced by WinPharm, English, expires 1987.

Panadeine Co. tablets (paracetamol and codeine), 20 tablets in blister packs


Carton of syndol tablets (paracetamol and codeine), 3 x blister packets inside carton, each containing 10 tablets (30 in total). Height 34 mm x width 109 mm x depth 48 mm, weight 34g. Carton inscribed: 'Syndol/ Analgesic Tablets / 50 Tablets in Strips of 10/ Merrell/ .../ Paracetamol BP 450mg/ Codeine Phosphate BP 10mg / Decapryn / (Doxylamine Succinate USNF) 5mg / Caffine BP 30mg / .../Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Limited,/ Meadowbank, Bath Road, Hounslow, / Middlesex, England.'. Manufactured by Merrell Dow, Hounslow, Middlesex. English, 1970-1985.

Carton containing three blister packets, each of 10 'Syndol/ Analgesic' tablets. Height 34 mm x width 109 mm x depth 48 mm


One 2 litre amber glass bottle of Actifed Compound Linctus (pseudophedrine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate). 287mm x 120 mm diameter. Used as a cough syrup for adults and children. Red and white label adhered to bottle reads, 'ACTIFED CO. LINCTUS/ 2 litres/...DOSE three times a day./ Adults and children over 12 years/ two 15 ml spoonfuls/.../LOT A 0831/USE BY 1987/09'. Supplied by the Wellcome Foundation Limited, Dublin, Made in England, expires September 1987.

Two litre amber glass bottle of Actifed Compound Linctus


Small, clear glass, specimen with pedestal base, glass stopper and small paper label. Containing codeine crystals. Believed to have been made by Robiquet of the Laboratoire de Chemie Organique, Faculte de Pharmacie, Paris, France

specimen jar; controlled drug; codeine

Plastic canister with pop lid and paper label. To contain 100 x codein phosphate tablets. Some remain. Codein is a powerful analgesic produced by the methylation of morphine.

Plastic canister to contain 100 x codein phosphate tablets


Clear glass, circle based bottle with cut glass stopper and transfer printed label. Containing unknown quantity of octagonal-shaped codein lozenges (Trochisci codeinae). Label inscribed with 'TR. CODEIN'. Each lozenge is impressed with the legend CODEIN'. Perhaps an indication of manufacturing chemist 'Savory and Moore'?.

bottle; controlled drug; codeine


Pear-shaped amber glass bottle with metal lid containing 100 Acytosal Compound Sedative 'pulverettes' (acytosal, phenacetin, caffein, codeine). 79 mm x 59 mm x 47 mm, 165g. Made by Oppenheimer, Son & Co. Ltd., England, mid-twentieth century.

Bottle of Acytosal Compound Sedative Tablets


Amber glass dispensing bottle containing 100 tablets of 'Ocosed' (Acetylsalicylic acid, Phenacetin, Codeine Phosphate, Caffeine).100 mm x 55 mm x 30 mm, 195g. Manufactured by Oppenheimer, Son & Co. Ltd., London, 1940-1970.

Bottle containing 100 tablets of 'Oscosed' tablets


Carton for 12 blister pack tablets (6 remaining) of Hypontablets (aspirin, codeine and caffeine). 100 mm x 70 mm x 15 mm, 11g. Produced by Wellcome Foundation Ltd., English, expires 1985.

Hypontablets (aspirin, codeine and caffeine)


Glass vial with cork stopper sealed with wax, containing chemical preparation of Codeine. 40 mm x 22 mm diamter, .02 kg., from a set of specimens of pharmacological substances associated with Pierre Joseph Pelletier (1788 - 1842), Paris, France, 1820-1900

Glass vial with cork stopper sealed with wax, containing chemical preparation of Codeine. 40 mm x 22 mm diameter


One 500 ml glass bottle (half-full) with plastic lid containing Paeriatric 'Linctified' Expectorant (Triprolidine, pseudophedrine, guaiphenesin, codeine). 190 mm x 70 mm diameter, 838 g. By Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1960-1985.

500 ml glass bottle (half-full) with plastic lid containing Paeriatric 'Linctified' Expectorant. 190 mm x 70 mm diameter


Glass dispensing bottle in original plastic covering full of 'Acytosal Compound' tablets (Acytosal, Caffeine, Phenacetin, Codeine phosphate). 117 mm x 62 mm x 39 mm, 200 g. By Oppenheimer, Son and Co. Ltd., English, 1940-1960.

Bottle of Acytosal Compound tablets


Brown glass, rectangle based small bottle with plastic pop cap and paper label. To contain 100 tablets of codeine phosphate. Codeine is an analgesic manufactured from the methylation of morphine. It is much less toxic than morphine and even large do not produce the central depression characteristic of morphine. Doses larger than 60 mg rarely produce any greater analgesic effect than lower doses.

bottle; controlled drug; codeine

Brown glass, rectangle based small bottle with plastic screw cap and paper label. To contain 100 tablets of codeine phosphate. Codeine is an analgesic manufactured from the methylation of morphine. It is much less toxic than morphine and even large do not produce the central depression characteristic of morphine. Doses larger than 60 mg rarely

bottle; controlled drug; codeine