Butler's patent, tri-colour camera with Trinar Astigmat lens, No 54, by J Lancaster & Son, Birmingham, 1905. Butler's patent No 54. Butler's Patent Tri-Colour Camera 1905
Diecast case with three-way beam splitter; 35mm film wound from cassette to cassette round three faces of prism cube. RGB filters in three gates. Lens missing. Experimental three-colour one-shot 35mm camera 1930-1939
Dr. Merthe's colour camera, manufactured by Bennpohl, Berlin, 1903. With red leather bellows. No lens. Overall (deployed): 535 mm x 175 mm x 250 mm. Dr Merthe's colour camera 1903
Lazy tong strut collapsing camera for 15x5cm approx. plates. Coupled coincidence rengefinder working on struts. Oskar Mikut, Dresden Mikutar lens F:130mm, apperture calibrated No 1162, Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T, delayed action. Mirrored beam splitting system behind lens gives three pictures side by side. Sprung hinged filter holders 4.5cm square in front of focal plane, Direct optical finder with folding back sight. Focusing Screen. Mikut Colour Camera 1936
Ives' Kromskop colour camera for colour separation negatives, with focussing screen and filters. Ser No 107. Manufactured by F.E. IVES, Philadelphia, USA c. 1900. Overall: 362 mm x 94 mm x 215 mm. The Kromskop colour camera for colour separation negatives 1900
Klein Tricolour camera manufactured by Bellingham and Stanley Ltd., 1936-1937, with wooden box, plus cardboard glass plate box containing six separation negatives (two sets). Klein Tricolour camera manufactured by Bellingham and Stanley Ltd. 1936-1937
Sangar Sheppard type one-exposure tri-colour camera, 1902, with side panel and two dark slide sheaths. Sanger Sheppard Type One-Exposure Tri-Colour Camera 1902
One-shot tri-colour camera made by W Watson & Sons Ltd. Aaron Hamburger design. Serial No. 14626. Back and side plates. For 1/1 plates; transparent reflector (missing) splits beam in two paths - straight through onto bi-pack of two plates at back, in special holder with rubber covered pressure plate; reflected beam onto single plate at side; fitted with Ross Rapid Symmetrical lens No 22403 (not original). Rack focusing, with linkage swinging back holder to allow for toeing in at different distances. One-Shot Tri-Colour Camera
Hilger one-shot colour camera. Camera for 1/2 plates; lens missing; mirror beam splitting; circular mirror, annular mirror for left and right beams, light passing mirrors reaches plate at rear. Filters held in frames in front of plates (2 or 3 missing). Lever focuses all three plates simultaneously. Hilger One-Shot Colour Camera 1926-1936