Early pair of brass measuring compasses with steel points, unsigned, United Kingdom, 1700-1800 Early pair of brass measuring compasses with steel points 1701-1800
Two patent brass geometric compasses by Bennett; in leather cases Two patent brass geometric compasses by Bennett
Pair of tubular compasses, in case; made by J. Gargory, Birmingham Pair of tubular compasses 1835-1862
1 pair of compasses from a set of drawing intruments. Made by A.G. Thornton Ltd, Paragon Works, Manchester. 1 pair of compasses from a set of drawing intruments
Pair of joint compasses, small metal compasses for use with drawing ink. Belonged to T.E. Ludwig, Chief Draughtsman at Crewe. Dimensions: 4" long Pair of compasses
Beam compass no. 1173A by Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co. Ltd., London, 1918, with accessories in original fitted box Beam compass no. 1173A by Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 1918
Three Bennett patent geometric compasses with cases and specimens of work on boards Three Bennett patent geometric compasses with cases and specimens of work on boards
Beam compass, tubular, divided on silver to 1/20th inch; reads by vernier to 1/1000th inch; clamp and slow motion; numbered to 45 on brass; extension tube numbered from 46 to 65, divided as above Beam compass
Pair of joint compasses, marked "Thornton", belonged to T.E. Ludwig, Chief Drawghtsman at Crewe. Dimensions: 4" long Pair of compasses
Pair of joint compasses, marked "Thornton", belonged to T.E. Ludwig, Chief Draughtsman at Crewe. Dimensions: 6 1/2" long Pair of compasses
Pocket set of seven silver drawing instruments by Richard Glynne, including turn-up compasses and signed sector, in signed leather-covered case, early 18th century Pocket set of seven silver drawing instruments by Richard Glynne 1700-1720