Scovill Detective camera for 4x5 inch plates, fitted with R and J Beck rectilinear 7 inch lens Serial No 2448. With lens cap, set of Waterhouse stops and one double dark slide. Manufactured by Scovill Manufacturing Co., USA, 1887. Overall (closed): 245 mm x 152 mm x 277 mm. Scovill Detective camera for 4x5 inch plates
'Ticka' camera. Watch-shaped rollfilm camera for 18mm wide film in special cassette. 15x23mm pictures. Fixed aperture simple lens. T/I shutter; lens cap. With accessory brilliant reflecting finder. Exposure counter. In cloth case, with directions, instruction book, receipt, instruction card. In original carton. Ticka watch camera 1908
Le Franceville camera. L F G and Cie. Miniature sliding body camera. 4. 5x4. 5x6 cm. Simple lens, sliding strip 'shutter'. Takes 40x40mm plate. Overall: 50 mm x 50 mm x 66 mm. Le Franceville camera 1910