Fin control unit for the TSR2 aircraft, employing a military duplex powered flying control with triplex electric input. Fin control unit for the TSR2 aircraft
Bruel & Kjaer Distortion Measurement Control Unit Type 1902 Serial no 681260. Serial no on sticker 1902/625707 control unit
Elevon powered flying control unit, by Boulton-Paul Aircraft Wolverhampton (for Concorde) Elevon powered flying control unit
Cambridge Hydrogen Permeameter Current Control Unit. Cambridge Hydrogen Permeameter Current Control Unit
Cathode ray tube for cathode ray direction finder for air traffic control, CE178, by E. K. Cole & Co., 1952-1957. Cathode Ray Tube for Cathode Ray Direction Finder for Air Traffic Control 1952-1957
6 Ignitron units from "Emotrol" Ignitron motor control unit. Made by British Thomson Houston, c.1953 to power 2 75H.P. "Type BK44" D C motors 6 Ignitron units from "Emotrol" Ignitron motor control unit 1953
Control unit by Industrial Timer Corporation, Newark USA, for use with Fastax high speed cameras, c. 1955. Control Unit for Fastax High Speed Camera 1955
Duplex pilot control unit with steering repeater compass, by Sperry Gyroscope Company Limited, Brentford, London, England, 1950-1954 Duplex pilot control unit with steering repeater compass 1950-1954
SR 14A/15A control unit (serial no.473) (ex "Navigation Today" exhibition number: N.T.E. 6) SR 14A/15A control unit (serial no.473)
Hydrogen peroxide roll control unit for the RAE RTV 1 J (rocket test vehicle). Hydrogen peroxide roll control unit for the RAE RTV 1 J
Bruel & Kjaer Distortion Measurement Control Unit Type 1902 Serial no 625107. Serial no on sticker 1902/625707 control unit
S-Phone aircraft homing equipment type A2. Comprising:- Control unit receiver aerial switching panel. Not complete Control unit receiver aerial switching panel
PC control unit, for REEM Service Robot, by PAL Robotics SL, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 2016 PC control unit 2016
Mock-up control unit (1-LRU-113C : WR 500. Serial No. 101A) (ex "Navigation Today" exhibition number: N.T.E. 5) Mock-up control unit
Control unit for Electric Actor robots, made by Bruce Lacey, British, 1962 Control Unit for Electric Actor robots 1962
Vokam 2541 power supply and control unit for electrophoresis, by Shandon Scientific Company Ltd., England, 1955-1965 Vokam 2541 power supply and control unit for electrophoresis 1955-1965g
Control system comprising eight digital control units inside purpose built flight-case, separate keyboard, mouse, monitor, eight channel unit, all part of ‘Listening Post’, by Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin, New York city, New York state, United States, 2005 Control system, for ‘Listening Post’ 2005