Model of an Indian Saw Gin (scale 1:4) of the type made at the Dharwar factory, Bombay, India, before or about 1872. Model of a Saw Gin (scale 1:4) of the type made at the Dharwar factory, India 1872
Hand powered cottage saw gin, model made by H. E. I. and Company (original made by W. Jamieson), Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside, Manchester, England. Hand powered cottage saw gin
Hand churka or Roller cotton gin, by John M. Dunlop, Manchester, England, 1859. Hand Churka or Roller Cotton Gin, by John M. Dunlo 1859
Hand churka or Roller cotton gin, by John M. Dunlop, Manchester, England, 1859. Hand Churka or Roller Cotton Gin, by John M. Dunlop 1859