Object type

A selection of crystals made from BSCCO superconductor


crystals pulled from seed

circa 1950

Wireless detector crystals: Copper Pyrites

Heated crystals in metal mounts (a) Felspar E79-'77

Plastic packet labelled 'Perfect Health' containing blue and white stones and crystals, 1996.

Plastic packet labelled 'Perfect Health' containing blue and white stones and crystals


Three examples of crystal remnants pulled from seed - one silicon, one germanium, one unknown.

crystals pulled from seed

circa 1950

Specimen of calcium salt (?) crystalline formation prepared from solution on wooden stick, English (?), 1801 to 1930

Specimen of calcium salt (?) crystalline formation


Four groups of natural crystals: quartz, fluorspar, sulphur and iron pyrites

Quartz crystals

Crystals for X-ray polychromator on Solar Maximum Mission satellite: (1) quartz (2) germanium

Crystals for X-ray polychromator on Solar Maximum Mission satellite

Sulphur trioxide crystals, in hermetically sealed bottle.

Sulphur trioxide crystals

Collection of 7 off quartz crystals (1940s) comprising:- (1) Type 6A No.1 - 877 KHz; (2) FT-171-B by Bliley Elect Co., Erie, Penna, Ex BC610 - 1746 KHz; (3) B7G based, type 942 - 4195 KHz; (4) GEC metal based - 2500 KHz probably; (5) TMV 87-A4 - 4637.5 KHz; (6) CR-1A/ AR CZX - 6727.77 KHz; (7) CR-1A/AR CUR - 6497.77 KHz

Collection of 7 Off Quartz Crystals (1940s)


Unworked mass of silicon carbide (carborundum) crystals

Unworked mass of silicon carbide (carborundum) crystals.

A selection of crystals made of various superconducting oxides, by the Department of Physics at Oxford University, 1997

Crystals made from Superconducting Oxides


3 packets of "Persifoot" crystals, by J.W. Ross, Worthing

3 packets of "Persifoot" crystals, by J.W. Ross, Worthing

Copper salt in envelope, presented by Field Museum of Chicago, probably from Afghanistan, 1900-1930

Copper salt in envelope


Potassi ferricyanidum crystals in polythene bag, English, 1871-1920

Potassi ferricyanidum crystals in polythene bag

Crystal block of barytes, from Eller Beck Mine, Westmorland, 1881-1899

Crystal block of barytes


Series of five alum crystals showing transition from octahedron to cube.

Series of five alum crystals

Specimen of antimony, with leather stand. "Star of Antimony"

Star of antimony

Star of antimony

Star of Antimony