Hope's water-density apparatus by Hachette and Co., Paris, France, 1857. Hope's Water-Density Apparatus, 1857 1857
Metal bar and gauge to show expansion through heat, by J. J. Griffin & Sons, London, England, 1894. Demonstration of expansion caused by heating, 1894 1894
Apparatus to show production of heat by friction, by J. J. Griffin & Sons, 2 Garrick Street, London, 1880. Multiplying wheel with copper tube, and a pair of hinged boards Heating by Friction Apparatus, 1880 1880
Trevelyan rocker with leaden support, for showing the production of motion by heat, made by William Ladd, London, England, 1872. Trevelyan rocker, 1872 1872 (made); 1829 (date of experiment)
Wollaston's cryophorus, by J. J. Griffin & Sons, London, England, 1894. Wollaston's Cryophorus, 1894 1894
Model of Regnault's original apparatus, sectioned, for measuring the co-efficient of the expansion of mercury, 1847. Made by Museum workshops, 1910. Model of Regnault's Apparatus, 1847 1847 (original); 1910 (model)