Metal bar and gauge to show expansion through heat, by J. J. Griffin & Sons, London, England, 1894. Demonstration of expansion caused by heating, 1894 1894
Apparatus to show production of heat by friction, by J. J. Griffin & Sons, 2 Garrick Street, London, 1880. Multiplying wheel with copper tube, and a pair of hinged boards Heating by Friction Apparatus, 1880 1880
Hope's water-density apparatus by Hachette and Co., Paris, France, 1857. Hope's Water-Density Apparatus, 1857 1857
Trevelyan rocker with leaden support, for showing the production of motion by heat, made by William Ladd, London, England, 1872. Trevelyan rocker, 1872 1872 (made); 1829 (date of experiment)
Wollaston's cryophorus, by J. J. Griffin & Sons, London, England, 1894. Wollaston's Cryophorus, 1894 1894
Model of Regnault's original apparatus, sectioned, for measuring the co-efficient of the expansion of mercury, 1847. Made by Museum workshops, 1910. Model of Regnault's Apparatus, 1847 1847 (original); 1910 (model)