Aviation dynamometer, imput 28V DC output 230V DC, by Bendix Radio for US Air Force, mounted on home-made base with switch and rheostat to form a variable H.T. supply Aviation dynamometer, imput 28V DC output 230V DC 1940-1960
Draught dynamometer by Cottam and Hallen, in travelling case Draught dynamometer by Cottam and Hallen, with case
Dynamometer Instruments, Great Western Railway, Brass instruments in wooden case, with nuts and spanner Dynamometer Instruments, Great Western Railway
Dynamometer type 3206 serial no.164233 by H. Tinsley and Co. Ltd., London, SE25, England, with built-in lamp, scale, and pointer, 1965. Dynamometer type 3206 serial no.164233 by H. Tinsley and Co. Ltd. 1965
Draught recording dynamometer by Richard Clyburns, complete with land wheels, attachment link, and spare recording roller, in travelling case Draught recording dynamometer and case