Two potential vessels for measuring electrode potentials on stands with copper electrodes and connecting vessel, by John J. Griffin and Sons, London, 1926 Two potential vessels for measuring electrode potentials on stands with copper electrodes and connecting vessel 1926
Apparatus for determination of transport numbers by Baird and Tatlock, London, 1926 Apparatus for determination of transport numbers by Baird and Tatlock 1926
Five electrolytic conductivity cells (three signed "J.C. Cowlishaw Ltd., Manchester Borosilicate glass") used by the Earl of Berkeley and Erwald Hartley for non-aqueous solutions, c. 1914. Five electrolytic conductivity cells 1914
Electrolytic arsenic apparatus with platinum cathode (dummy) Electrolytic arsenic apparatus with platinum cathode (dummy)
Electrolytic arsenic apparatus with amalgamated lead cathode Electrolytic arsenic apparatus with amalgamated lead cathode
Kohlrausch Universal Bridge for conductivity measurements with telephone and conductivity vessel complete with nickel electrodes, by John J. Griffin and Sons, London, 1926 Kohlrausch Universal Bridge for conductivity measurements 1926
Kohlrausch cell with thermometer (cracked) and nickel electrode by Baird and Tatlock, London, 1926 Kohlrausch cell with thermometer (cracked) and nickel electrode by Baird and Tatlock 1926