Hypo-alum toned enlargements (two) on different papers. Hypo-alum toned enlargements (two) on different papers.
Coloured enlargement from 15th century munuscript (carpenter using an axe) Coloured enlargement from 15th century munuscript
Coloured enlargement from 15th century manuscript, carpenter sawing Coloured enlargement from 15th century manuscript
Coloured enlargement from 15th century manuscript: carpenter using a plane Coloured enlargement from 15th century manuscript
Enlargement (about 11"x6") from negative (S.M. 641 & 642) presented by J.E. Quibell, showing XII Dynasty boat in Cairo Museum. (Reisner Catalogue no.4925) Enlargement (about 11"x6") from negative (S.M. 641 & 642) presented by J.E. Quibell
Monochrome enlargement of drawing of grindstone from 11th century manuscript Monochrome enlargement of drawing of grindstone
Enlargement of a microphotograph, taken by J.B. Dancer, of the "Giants Causeway". (x 44). Note: the microphotograph is on inventory as 1929-241. Enlargement of a microphotograph
Enlargement, 2:1, of portrait of Peter William Willans, (1851-1892) taken in 1887 Enlargement, 2:1, of portrait of Peter William Willans
Coloured enlargement from 15th century manuscript, carpenter using a boring tool Coloured enlargement from 15th century manuscript
Enlargement showing a horse-gear for driving a chain of pots, 20th century Enlargement showing a horse-gear for driving a chain of pots
Monochrome enlargement of drawing of saw from 12th century manuscript Monochrome enlargement of drawing of saw
Enlargement, 3:1, of portrait of Peter Willans, (1851-1892) taken in 1887 Enlargement, 3:1, of portrait of Peter Willans