Le Posographe exposure calculator. Exposure calculator with six pointers, all interlocked by complex linkages, the setting of each one affecting proportionally the others. Scales for outdoor subjects on one side. Month, time of day, subject type, aperture, sky, subject tone and lighting exposure time. Indoor subjects: floor colour, exposure time, position relative to window, sky area visible, lens aperture, external light. c. 1925. Manufactured by Kaufman, Puteaux, France; sold by J A Sinclair, London. Le Postgraphe Exposure Calculator 1920-1930
Rotary calculator for rollfilm and film packs with photo flood lamps. Calibrated for super XX panatomic X and Verichrome films. Eastman Kodak. 1939. Kodak indoor exposure guide 1939
AGFA exposure calculator. Dial disc exposure calculator scales: for daylight; subject; weather; aperture; speed; DIN film speeds. Recommendations for artificial light and flash. (M4451) AGFA exposure calculator
Exposure Meter Ilford exposure calculator. Exposure calculator of five concentric discs with scales for exposure times 2 hours to 1/16 sec., apertures f4-64; subject/lighting; date number (from table on reverse) plate type. Made by The Britannia Works Co. Ltd.; Scott's patent 17642 Ilford exposure calculator
Exposure calculator, exposure calculator. Made by Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Limited in England, United Kingdom, 1955 exposure calculator 1955
Autotime exposure calculator for compound shutter style G, made by Eastman Kodak. Scales for shutter and aperture plates in original carton with instructions. Autotime exposure calculator for compound shutter style G
Exposure calculator, plastic, case enclosing indented dial. Johnson Artificial Light Calculator Exposure calculator
Pocket diary with disc exposure calculator; pencil. Welcome's Photographic Exposure Record and diary 1907
Wellcome Exposure calculator and diary. Disc exposure calculator, with diary, general photographic information and exposure memorandum pages, 1939. Published by Burroughs Wellcome and Co. Wellcome exposure calculator and diary 1939
Exposure calculator; temporary replacement for the photographic diary. The Wellcome Exposure Guide War Emergency Edition 1939-1941
Neville Brown. Rotary exposure calculator. Scales for film, lighting, subject, time of day, season, aperture and shutter. Nebro Exposure Calculator
Plastic dial type calculator for motion picture films; with filter chart; in slip case. Kodak exposure calculator for Eastman films
Rotary calculator; white plastic; BSI/Sch scale, weather, subjects, aperture and speed settings; in leather pouch with film speed conversion table. Johnson Standard Exposure calculator
Print quality Kodaguide exposure calculator, made by Eastman Kodak. Folder (3 1/2" x 5") with 32-page booklet on print quality; disc-type enlarging exposure calculator, focus and magnification finder and wallet with 11 prints in different paper surfaces and grades. Print quality Kodaguide exposure calculator 1942
Autotime exposure calculator style AA for ball bearing shutter, made by Eastman Kodak. Exposure calculator plates for shutter and aperture scales for use with Kodak ball-bearing shutter; in original carton with instructions. Autotime exposure calculator style AA for ball bearing shutter
Voigtlander exposure calculator. Cardboard slide-rule type calculator; scales for: time of year and day; subject aperture; shutter; film speed sch. H and D. latitudes. Voigtlander exposure calculator 1926-1936
British standard exposure tables, made by Kodak Limited. Exposure tables in book form. 12 page; tables for: speed numbers; latitudes; weather; subject; aperture/speed. Factors for fine-grain development filters. (M2317) British standard exposure tables 1942
Wellington exposure disc. Book type exposure calculator with exposure disc. Scales for: light Values 3/4-24; weather conditions sunshine-very dull; H & D speeds 6-400; subjects clouds - very dark interiors; apertures f/5.6-64; shutter speeds 3 hours - 1/350 sec. Manufactured by Wellington and Ward, Elstree, Herts. Wellington exposure disc calculator 1910
Cine Kodak exposure scale made by Eastman Kodak. Metal slide-rule calculator for Cine-Kodak films. Scales for: film and filter; light shutter; fps; aperture. (M807) Cine Kodak exposure scale 1933
Rotary calculator for reversal films. Based on BS exposure tables B5935/1957. Johnson Colour and Cine Calcualtor
Chinese/English exposure table. For Kodak speed film, N. latitude 30 degrees. Table include f.no; time subject; light; daytime; month. Chinese/English exposure table. For Kodak speed film
Lumiere Autochrome meter, sold by Thos. K. Grant, Polebrook House, Golden Square, London. Dial type exposure calculator for Autochrome plates. Tables for moth and time of day; scales for subject, light number, exposure time for f.8; other apertures found by factors added to light number. Cardboard. (M1744) Lumiere Autochrome meter
Exposure calculator, colour & cine, plastic case enclosing plastic indented dial. Made by Johnson Exposure calculator
Artificial light exposure calculator, presented free with `Amateur Cine World' magazine, 1938 Artificial light exposure calculator
Exposure calculator in metal and celluloid with internal linkages to 7 pointers, each setting affecting the others. Scales for interiors and exteriors, weather, apertures, subjects, time of year and day, rate of operation; partly dismantled to reveal mechanism. Baby-cine Posograph
Ensign Posometer exposure calculator, made by Ensign Ltd, London. Disc type calculator; scales for: film speed Sch. And H and D 100-2000; subject; time of month and day; aperture, shutter speed. In leather case with instructions. Ensign Posometer Exposure Calculator
Wellcome exposure calculator and diary for 1924. Published by Burroughs Wellcome & Co., London. Disc form exposure calculator with 45 pages of instructions and tables. 70 pages of general photographic information and 95 page diary and negative index. In wallet. Pencil missing. Wellcome Photographic Exposure Calculator and Diary for 1924 1924
Wellcome exposure calculator and diary, made by Burroughs Wellcome and Company. Pocket book, pp 1-84 photographic information; pp 85-124 exposure records; pp 125-180 diary; pp 181-237 exposure calculator. Disc type, scales for light values (from tables) subject, film speeds, aperture and shutter. Wellcome exposure calculator and diary 1926