Object type
Agfa (I. G. Farbenindustrie AG) Berlin. Card calculator, with flashlight calculator, latitude chart, in sleeve with instructions.

Agfa Exposure Calculator

Card sliderule, in sleeve with latitude map. Voigtander and Son.

Voigtländer Exposure Calculator 'for the whole world'

With disc calculator.

Wellcome Photographic Year Book


Disc calculator for interior and exterior exposure.

Fotogram exposure calculator

Class I, II, III - exposure tables for 3 ranges of Kodak cameras.

Kodak Exposure Guides

Disc calculator in small booklet.

The Wellcome Photographic Exposure Guide


Pocket book with disc calculators for exposure, flash, depth of field etc.

Kodak Poster Photoguide


Book of exposure tables.

The Practical Index of Photographic Exposure

Disc calculator for interiors and exteriors, in sleeve.

Kodak Movie Kodaguide


Disc type calculator, plastic, in envelope with instructions.

Johnson Colour Exposure Calculator

Cardboard slide rule calculator. Scales for exterior, flashlight.

Agfa exposure table

Card sliderule calculator in envelope. Voigtlander & Son Ltd.

Voigtländer exposure calculator

Sliderule calculators in small booklet.

Griffin's Combined Exposure and Development calculator

Diary for 1920 Northern Hemisphere And Tropic edition. 256 pages. Containing processing and exposure data, exposure record pages, diary, dial calculator on back and inside cover. Writter in pencil/ Burroughs Welcome and Co. 1920.

Wellcome Photographic Exposure Record and Diary


Card folder with exposure tables with factors for subject, aperture, time of day, winter summer exposure times.

ICA exposure tables

Drexler & Nagel exposure table. A printed table for calculating correct exposures.NB - This item is shown with a leather case for a Posographe exposure calculator. Made in Germany.

Drexler & Nagel Exposure Table