Three Fantoscope discs by Ackermann and Co (1st series), 1833. Three Fantoscope discs by Ackermann and Co (1st series) 1833
Fantascope disc by Thomas Mann Baynes of a boy with skipping rope, boy on a rocking horse, published by Ackermann and Company, 1833. Boy with Skipping Rope, Boy on Rocking Horse 1833
Phenakistoscope disc of a man pirouetting. One of three Fantoscope discs by Ackermann and Co (1st series), 1833. This is the subject originally drawn by Joseph Plateau. Phenakistoscope Disc of A Man Pirouetting 1833
Fantascope disc by Thomas Mann Baynes of a lady in a yellow dress and a gentleman dancing, published by Ackermann and Company, 1833. Lady and Gentleman Dancing 1833
Two Fantoscope discs by Ackermann and Co., c. 1833 Two Fantoscope discs by Ackermann and Co., c. 1833 1833