Collection of films, slides and video of different stages of practical research produced by those working on the Southampton Hand project at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, England, c1980s-2010s. Collection of films relating to the Southampton Hand project 1980-2010
Blue circular film canister. Title ‘Artificial arm’. Master copy. Black & white. Stock ‘Master Col Neg 724)’. Southampton University teaching media centre. Marked with tape reading ‘(4)’ and main label has the number 2 in a circle. Underside of canister reads Cecolite 400FT. Film canister relating to the Southampton Hand project 1980-2010
Square metal film canister with contents. Red circular sticker on the front reading ‘Department of teaching media. University of Southampton. Title: Artificial Hand. Picture: 16mm colour. Sound: mute. 24 F.P.S’. The reverse has stickers which read ‘Professor J.M. Nightingale’ & ‘CODD test with T.Senski’ [?]. Film canister relating to the Southampton Hand project 1980-2010