5 adaptors for cut film for 1/4 plate holders. Made from sheet metal with cardboard insert. Edwards patent film carriers
Premo filmpack adaptor for quarter plate filmpack. Last patent date 1908. Eastman Kodak. Premo filmpack adaptor
11 adaptors for cut film for 1/4 plate holders. Made from thin sheet steel with reinforcing ribs. Thornton Pickard patent film carriers
Patent No 314682. Metal adaptor for film packs 6 x 9 cm. Loaded with unused pack of Kodak Verichrome No V520. Thornton Pickard Thornton Pickard filmpack adaptor
Rollfilm holder for 3 3/4 inch wide rollfilm, pictures 4 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches (9 x 12cm). Wood and metal construction. Design no 16110. Karl Zeiss. Zeiss Rollfilm Adaptor