Object type

Pistol Flashmeter

circa 1900

Agfa, Agfatronic 162 flashgun 1983


Agfatronic 252C flashgun

"Fotek" de luxe type C pocket flashgun, plastic-cased, made in Australia. Folding fan-shaped reflector. In leather case, complete with box and instructions.

'Fotek' de Luxe Type C Pocket Flashgun

28mm square matt reflector; Ag1 type bulbs; capacitor type; 5.6 volt mercury cell; clip-on transparent guard; in plastic case; in original carton with instructions.

Agfa Iso flashgun

132mm stepped smooth reflector, detatchable, 3 point bayonet; capacitor type 22.5 volt B122 battery; for MBC bulbs; with adaptor for capless bulbs.

Duo-Lux Prinzess-BC flashgun

105mm diameter matte reflector; capless bulb type; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery; guide number calculator.

Elwis Flash flashgun

95mm diameter 'iris' type folding reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery; accessory shoe fitting; in plastic zip case.

Ilford Sportslite flashgun

28mm square matt reflector; AG type bulb; capacitor type 5.6 volt mercury battery; hot shoe fitting; transparent flashguard; in plastic box.

Agfa Iso flashgun

Flash gun for Agfa Synchro box camera will fit number 1995 for SBC base flashbulbs takes two dry cells penlight type. 11cm diameter polished reflector. Clip on flash contacts. In original packaging. Agfa.

Agfa Box Blitzer Flashgun and Packaging

Shoe fitting; alternative optical DV finder; on-off switch; for ES base for Sashalite bulbs; 150mm diameter shallow dish reflector; 3-pin plug lead; for two penlight batteries.

Flashgun for Coronet Cub camera

Electronic flashgun; powered by 4 AA type 1.5 volt batteries or via mains lead (missing); 65º angle of illumination; flash duration approximately 1/1000 seconds guide number for ASA film: 16; hot shoe fitting, rotatable through 90º; coaxial flash lead; with instructions; no. 115299.

Metz Mecablitz 181 flashgun


45mm diameter matt 'flower-petal' type folding reflector; capless bulbs; 155 volt battery, capacitor type; in leather case.

Agfa Tully flashgun

Flashgun; shallow matte reflector; 150mm diameter; BC lamps; flash lead missing; Camera bracket; diffuser (shrunk).

Agilux flash gun

Flashgun for AG bulbs; 2 pin contacts; in original carton.

Model 259 Flashgun for Polaroid Swinger II Land camera

100mm diameter matte reflector; for capless bulbs; capacitor type 15 volt battery; accessory shoe fitting; in plastic case.

Coro-Flash flashgun

50mm square matt reflector; AG type bulbs; capacitor type; 22.5 volt battery.

Ilford Ilfolite flashgun

Small electronic flashgun; accessory shoe fitting; hotshoe or cable; open flash/test button; exposure calculator; separate charger unit; no. 070065.

Metz 180 Electronic Flash

MES socket at right angles on end of chromed battery tube; fitting for clamping to tripod socket on camera; contact lead.

Flashgun for MES Cap Sashalite or Similar Flashbulbs

125mm fan type folding matt reflector; SBC bulbs, with adaptor for capless; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery.

National Hyper BII flashgun

Battery-capacitor flashgun for 22.5 volt battery; for SBC bulbs, with adaptor for capless bulbs; fan-type 12 segment reflector, folding; test lamp.

National Hyper BII flashgun

60mm diameter fan type folding reflector, matt; capless bulbs; capacitor type; 15 volt battery.

Photax flashgun

100mm diameter matt fan type folding reflector; capless type; capacitor type; 15 volt battery. Test button.

Hunter Standard II flashgun

For flashcubes; capacitor type; 5.6 volt mercury battery; hot shoe fitting; in plastic case.

Agfa Isi-C flashgun

90mm diameter fan type folding matt reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery.

Agfalux flashgun

90mm detachable parabolic matt reflector; capless bulb type; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery; calculator; flash lead modified; in zip case.

Agfa KM flashgun

52mm approx square matt reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 15 volt battery; accessory shoe fitting; in plastic case.

Ticky Min flashgun

98mm diameter matt reflector; for capless bulbs; capacitor type; 22.5 volt battery.

Ilford Sportilux flashgun

37mm square polished reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 15 volt battery; hot shoe; coaxial socket for extenstion cable.

Kaiser Kalux flashgun

Plastic flashgun with 10cm diameter fluted metal satin reflector. Capacitor circuit for B145 battery with bulb ejector and a screw pin flash contact. With a transparent plastic flash guard. Kodak Limited. No bulb.

Brownie Flash-holder 3


70mm diameter hemispherical matt reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery; in carton; hot-shoe fitting; plastic zip case; for Isoly camera.

Agfa Isoly-Blitz flashgun Type 6870

Flash extender for flashcubes; capacitor type; 5.6 volt mercury battery.

Cubi flashgun

116mm diameter fan type folding reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery; test light; in plastic zip case.

Ticky flashgun

35mm square matt reflector; capless bulbs; capacitor type 15 volt battery. In plastic case.

Agfa Isi flashgun

108mm matt reflector; SBC bulb type; capacitor type 22.5 volt battery.

Coronet Compact flashgun

32mm diameter matt reflector; for Ag bulbs; capacitor type 15 volt battery; hot shoe fitting.

Ilford Miniature flashgun

Small flashgun; capacitor type; 15 volt battery; foldaway matte reflector for AG1 capless bulbs; in original carton.

Ilford Ilfolite flash gun

Flasgun for flashcubes; capacitor type; 4.05 volt battery; mercury type; hot shoe fitting; coaxial socket lead; in plastic case.

Agfalux C Flashgun

Duo-Lux Princess BC flashgun of the capacitor tube for bay noted cap flash bulbs. 22.5v battery. 100mfd capacitor with bulb ejector, 12,5 diameter polished reflector attach to cable release synchroniser.

Duo-Lux Princess BC flashgun of the capacitor tube for bay noted cap flash bulbs

80mm diameter parabolic polished reflector; hinged blue shield; for M3 type clear bulbs; for Polaroid Color Pack cameras 100-125; in original carton with instructions.

Polaroid Flashgun No2658

Made in Japan. Capacitor flash for capless bulbs. Fan type refelctor. In plastic case.

West Hyper BII Flashgun

Shoe fitting flash gun for flash cubes. Capacitor type, using 15v hearing aid battery. Test button and lamp. Cube rotating lever. Exposure table 4-15 feet, 10-200 ASA. Short lead with coaxial plug. Made in Japan.

Regina Cube Flashgun with Carton