Object type

Film positive (9 7/8" x 7 3/4") nebula N.G.C. 5866


Film positive (9 7/8" x 7 3/4") Nebula N.G.C. 4594


Great star cloud near Messier 11


Film positive (7 3/4" x 9 7/8") Nebula N.G.C. 4565


Film positive (7 3/4" x 9 7/8") Nebula N.G.C. 5194/5.M51


Glass positive:- spiral Nebula in Libra


Glass positive:- Spiral Nebula


Nebula in Cygnus


Nebula in Cygnus; NGC 6960; RA


Transparency, 14"x17", Great Nebula in Andromeda (central portion) M.31. R.A.S. No. J.63


Film positive Nebula N.G.C. 3115


Film positive 9 7/8 x 7 3/4) Nebula N.G.C. 7217


Transparency:- Milky Way in Sagittarius


Coma Berenices E.E. Barnard


Glass positive:- Spiral Nebula in Leo


Spiral Nebula in Serpens


Glass positive:- Spiral Nebula in Hydra


Glass positive:- Spiral Nebula in Virgo


Glass positive:- Nebula in Pegasus


Glass positive:- Spiral Nebula in Virgo


Transparency:- region of Nubecula Minor (small Magellanic Cloud and star cluster 47 Toucani)

Transparency:- region of Nubecula Minor (small Magellanic Cloud and star cluster 47 Toucani)


Great star cloud in Sagittarius, E.E., Barnard, 1905, June 29 centre of plate, R.A., 17h 56m. decl, -28 degree exposure, 4hr. 53m enlarged 1.9 times, 10-inch Bruce doublet of the Yerkes Observatory Hooker expedition to Mount Wilson, California

Great star cloud in Sagittarius


Positive on glass, enlarged at the National Observatory in Paris, of: Nebula M.94 Canum Venaticorum (R.A. 12h 46m 13.1s, Dec. N.41 degrees 39.5') enlarged 6 times, scale 1mm to 14 seconds of arc, taken at Crowborough, Sussex, on May 21st, 1903, between sidereal time 15h. 15m and 16h, 15m with an exposure of one hour

Positive on glass


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 8", barred spiral Nebula in Pegasus (NGC, 7741) 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Glass positive of:- Group of Nebulae in Pegasus (Region surrounding N.G.C.7619). Mount Wilson Observatory 100-inch Reflector 10"x12". Prepared from print lent by Sir James Jeans

Glass positive of Group of Nebulae in Pegasus


Glass positive of Hubble's classification of Nebulae (Extra-galactic, elliptical and irregular). Shows: E.0.N.G.C.3379; E.2.N.G.C.221 (M.32); E.5.H.G.C.4621 (M.59); E.7.N.G. C.3115; N.G.C.3034 (M.82); N.G.C.4449. Plate XIV Mount Wilson Contribution No.324. 12"x15" . Prepared from celluloid positive lent by Sir James Jeans.

Glass positive of:- Hubble's classification of Neb


Glass positive of:- Great Nebula in Andromeda (M.31.N.G.C.224,205,221). Ritchey and Pease, Yerkes. 24-inch Relflector 1901, September 18. 14"x17". Prepared from negative R.A.S. No.98

Glass positive of:- Great Nebula in Andromeda


Glass positive of:- Group of Nebulae in Coma Cluster. Mount Wilson Observatory 100-inch Reflector 10"x12". Prepared from celluloid positive lent by Sir James Jeans

Glass positive of Group of Nebulae in Coma Cluster


Positive transparency on film, size 13 3/8" x 10", stella populations I and II in the Andromeda Nebula and NGC 205, in blue and yellow light respectively, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Transparency, 40"x51 1/2", of Spiral galaxy in Pegasus, N.G.C. 7217, photographed by the 200-inch Hale telescope

Transparency, 40"x51 1/2"


Photograph of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), taken by Isaac Roberts using a twin telescope (20-inch reflector & 7-inch refractor) by Howard Grubb of Dublin. Taken with an exposure of 4 hours on 29th April 1889 at his observatory & home at Maghull, near Liverpool.

Photograph of Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), taken by Isaac Roberts, 1889


Photograph of twin galaxies (M82 & 82) in the constellation of Ursa Major, taken by Isaac Roberts using a twin telescope (20-inch reflector & 7-inch refractor) by Howard Grubb of Dublin. Taken with an exposure of 3 1/2 hours on 31st March 1889 at his observatory & home at Maghull, near Liverpool.

Photograph of twin galaxies (M82 & 82) in the constellation of Ursa Major


Positive transparency on film, sixe 10" x 12", spiral galaxy in Triangulum (M33) extra galactic, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", spiral Nebula in Canes Venaciti (M51), the satellite nebula in NGC 5195, known as the Whirlpool Nebula, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Great Nebula in Andromeda (M31) extra galactic, 48" Schmidt Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Positive on glass, enlarged at the National Observatory in Paris, of: Nebula, M.101 Ursae Majoris (R.A. 13h.59m.39s. Dec N. 54[o] 59 8') enlarged 6 times, scale 1mm to 14 seconds of arc taken at Crowborough, Sussex, 28th May, 1900 between sidereal time 14hr 36m and 17h 21m, with an exposure of 2h, 45m

Positive on glass


Positive on glass, enlarged at the National Observatory in Paris, of: Spiral nebula M.51 Andromedae (R.A. 0h. 37m. 17s. Dec.N.40 degrees 43.4') enlarged 3.4 times, scale 1mm to 24 seconds of arc, taken near Liverpool, December 29th 1888 between sidereal time 1h. 38m. and 5h. 45m, with an exposure of 4 hours.

Positive on glass


Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 8", spiral Nebula in Ursa Major, (M81) 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar

Positive transparency on film


Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", cluster of nebulae in Corona Borealis, 200" Hale Telescope of Palomar Observatory

Positive transparency on film


Spiral Nebula in Pisces; M.74. N.G.C.628. R.A., 1h 36m. Decl., + 15 degree 15'; E.P. Hubble, Mount Wilson Observatory, 1920; 60-inch Reflector; focal length, 299 in. exposure, 4 hours

Spiral Nebula in Pisces; M.74. N.G.C.628. R.A.


Glass positive of:- Great Nebulae in Andromeda (Southern portion) G.W. Ritchey, Mount Wilson Observatory 60-inch Reflector. 1909 October 13, 17"x14". Prepared from negative R.A.S. No. 402

Glass positive of:- Great Nebulae in Andromeda (Southern portion) G.W. Ritchey


Photograph of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), taken by Isaac Roberts using a twin telescope (20-inch reflector & 7-inch refractor) by Howard Grubb of Dublin. Taken with an exposure of 4 hours on 29th December 1888 at his observatory & home at Maghull, near Liverpool.

Photograph of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31)


Nebula in Andromeda; N.G.C. 224, 205, 221. R.A., Oh 36m. Decl., + 40 degrees 30'. G.W. Ritchey and F.G. Pease, Yerkes Observatory; 1901, September 18; 24-inch Reflector; Focal length, 93 in. Exposure, 4 hours

Nebula in Andromeda; N.G.C. 224


Transparency, 8"x10", spiral Nebula in Ursa Major, M.101. R.A.S. No. J.85

Transparency, 8"x10", spiral Nebula in Ursa Major