On Display
Object type
Boxe of ca. 300 gallstones with patients' notes 'Sweden-Malmo N5, Female patient, age 61.'

Box of gallstones with patient's notes


Box of 5 gallstones with patient's notes 'Sweden-Malmo No11, female patient, aged 52.'

Box of gallstones with patient's notes


24 gallstones with smaller fragments, 53/2512 b, c & d (Box 29), Hammersmith

24 gallstones with smaller fragments

before 1986

Box of 5 gallstones with patient's note 'Sweden No 4, female patient aged 44'.

Box of gallstones with patient's notes


2 cross-sectioned pieces of gallstone, 14/860 (Box 9), series I, Czech

2 cross-sectioned pieces of gallstone

before 1986

Twenty-three pieces of Gallstone, 18/2287 b,c+d (box 30), Brazil

Twenty-three pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Eighteen pieces of Gallstone, 16/1790 (box 30), South Africa

Eighteen pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone, 458 a & b, 72 (Box 11), U Spain

2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

1 gallstone and 4 pieces of gallstone, 223/101/2795 (Box 22), UCH

1 gallstone and 4 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

Four pieces of Gallstone, 4 64/21202 (box 14), I, Turkey

Four pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Six pieces of Gallstone, 55/2323 (box 28), Hammersmith, United Kingdom

Six pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

3 gallstones and 2 pieces of gallstone, 231/114/2816 a, b, c (Box 22), UCH

3 gallstones and 2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

Piece of gallstone, 228/109/2811 (Box 22), UCH

Piece of gallstone

before 1986

2 gallstones and 2 pieces of gallstone, 232/115/2817 a, b, c (Box 22), UCH

2 gallstones and 2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

1 gallstone and 2 pieces of gallstone, 236/121/2820 a, b (Box 22), UCH

1 gallstone and 2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

22 gallstones, 237/122/2820d (Box 22), UCH

22 gallstones

before 1986

36 gallstones, 248/135/2831c (Box 22), UCH

36 gallstones

before 1986

Numerous gallstones, 252/141/2835 b & c (Box 22), UCH

Numerous gallstones

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone, 249/137/2833 b, c, d (Box 22), UCH

2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

10 gallstones and 5 pieces of gallstone, 255/145/2843 (Box 22), UCH

10 gallstones and 5 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

5 pieces of gallstone, 31/857 c & d (Box 9), series I, Czech

5 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone with smaller fragments and patient information, 486, 117 (Box 11), U Spain

2 pieces of gallstone with smaller fragments and patient information

before 1986

Numerous gallstones and pieces of gallstone, 238/123/2821 (Box 22), UCH

Numerous gallstones and pieces of gallstone

before 1986

3 pieces of gallstone, 241/127/2824 b, c & d (Box 22), UCH

3 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone with smaller fragments, 476, 98 (Box 11), U Spain

2 pieces of gallstone with smaller fragments

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone with smaller fragments, 6/422 (Box 11), Sicily

2 pieces of gallstone with smaller fragments

before 1986

Piece of gallstone, 483, 113 (Box 11), U Spain

Piece of gallstone

before 1986

3 pieces of gallstone, 30/878 c & d (Box 16), Series VII, Turkey

3 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

Two pieces of Gallstone, 7 337 prt66/7881 (box 15), Turkey

Two pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Eighteen pieces of Gallstone, 90/645 (box 15), VA, Turkey

Eighteen pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone, 50/889 a & b (Box 16), Series VII, Turkey

2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

Fifteen pieces of Gallstone, 156/27/2686 a,b+d and 2685d (box 21), University College Hospital

Fifteen pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Fragments of gallstone, 298/2886 (Box 22), UCH

Fragments of gallstone

before 1986

Thirteen pieces of Gallstone with smaller fragments, 18/1634 (box 12), Sweden

Thirteen pieces of Gallstone with smaller fragments

before 1986

Three pieces of Gallstone, 127/2625 (box 21), University College Hospital

Three pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Numerous fragments of Gallstone, 2/1618 b,c+d (box 12), Sweden

Numerous fragments of Gallstone

before 1986

Two pieces of Gallstone, 171/44/1710 a,b+c (box 21), University College Hospital

Two pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Numerous pieces of Gallstone, 128/2645a (box 21), University College Hospital

Numerous pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

3 gallstones and 1 piece of gallstone, 257/146/2844 a, b (Box 22), UCH

3 gallstones and 1 piece of gallstone

before 1986

Two pieces of Gallstone, 19/1552 (box 12), Sweden

Two pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Numerous gallstones, 262/151/2847 a, b, c (Box 22), UCH

Numerous gallstones

before 1986

Four pieces of Gallstone with smaller fragments, 132/2644 (box 21), University College Hospital

Four pieces of Gallstone with smaller fragments

before 1986

Numerous pieces of Gallstone, 14/1459 ‘no.14’ (box 12), Sweden

Numerous pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Two pieces of Gallstone, 27 362 prt 65/12667 (box 15), Turkey

Two pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

Numerous pieces of Gallstone, 15/1458 c+d (box 12), Sweden

Numerous pieces of Gallstone

before 1986

4 pieces of gallstone, 23/1205 (Box 16), Series IX, India

4 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

2 pieces of gallstone, 4/1187 (Box 16), Series IX, India

2 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

3 pieces of gallstone, 69/2011 (Box 17), N. Ireland

3 pieces of gallstone

before 1986

Five pieces of Gallstone with smaller fragments, 26/651 (box 15), VB, Turkey

Five pieces of Gallstone with smaller fragments

before 1986

Two pieces of Gallstone, 204/81/2764 (box 21), University College Hospital

Two pieces of Gallstone

before 1986