Exhibit illustrating, by means of a pressure-temperature graph, the existence of an absolute zero in temperature Exhibit graph 1900-1982
The first series of observations (taken by H.E.H.) [re repetition by C.V. Boys of the "Cavendish Experiment". 1888. Plotted on squared paper. It accompanies sketches by Boys of the apparatus he (Boys) used in the experiment (i.e. 1922-500: MSL 19/1). With envelope (MSL 19/3) bearing ms. note re 1922-500 & 501] The first series of observations re: repetition of "Cavendish Experiment" 1888
1 roll of Railtrack plc (Eastern Region) train graphs, used for manually plotting timetables. These are the last manually produced train graphs produced before Railtrack moved over to a computerised system. 1 roll of Railtrack plc (Eastern Region) train graphs 2000
Graph showing retention volumes of paraffins and napthenes, prepared for publication, 1956 Graph showing retention volumes of paraffins and napthenes 1956
Seven rolls of Railtrack plc (Eastern Region) train graphs, used for manually plotting timetables. These are the last manually produced train graphs produced before Railtrack moved over to a computerised system. Seven rolls of Railtrack plc (Eastern Region) train graphs 2000
Graph showing mass defect plotted against atomic weight (drawn from information supplied by the Science Museum) Graph showing mass defect plotted against atomic weight