Gyroscopic sextant very probably made by Carl Plath, Hamburg, Germany, about 1943. Marked on the left side of the casing: Seekreiselsextant | Gerat 616-42A | Hersteller gtl. Casing of grey and black-lacquered aluminium and artificial materials, with black plastic fittings, housing optical equipment, a clockwork averaging mechanism, electrical equipment, and a rubber eyecup. Four shades, no. 2 is missing (all grey). Three batteries, of which two are incomplete (one is possibly from another instrument); a battery charger; eight spare light bulbs (2,5 volt); two blue light bulbs (110 volt), one possibly from another instrument. The bayonet handle is stored separately (hazard). In a fitted wooden carrying case containing in the lid printed handling instructions in German by the Deutsche Seewarte. The case is marked on the outside: 6380. Aircraft gyroscopic sextant with case. 1941-1945