Salon electric hair dryer, `Airlux', Serial No. 174, manufactured by Osborne, Garrett & Co. Ltd, London W1. (and at Birmingham, Glasgow & Manchester). c1938 Salon electric hair dryer circa 1938
Hairdryer by Morphy-Richards Ltd., St. Mary Cray, Kent, model HDA-2 in pink plastic, in original cardboard box Hairdryer by Morphy-Richards Ltd.
Ormond E1022 Electric Hair Dryer, 230-250V; 2.2 Amps, AC or DC, by Ormond Engineering Co. Ltd., England, c.1945 Ormond E1022 Electric Hair Dryer 1945
"Sol" simple fan-driven electric hair dryer with switch giving two heat settings, aluminium with wooden handle, German, 1920-1930 Sol hairdryer, Germany, c 1925. 1920-1930
`Bylock' electric hairdryer, all-bakelite casing, 200-250V; 0.2-2.5A; 50-550W; 50 cycles; 9,500 revs, machine no.12W73459B; to B.S.170/39. Made in England by Bylock Electric Ltd, South St., Ponders End, Middx. c.1945 'Bylock' electric hairdryer, 1945. 1941-1950
Morphy Richards Noiseless electric hairdryer, Model HDA2, 50 c/s; AC only; 220-240V; 370-420W, in ivory, in original box, serial No. JM16861. Manufactured in Great Britain by Morphy Richards Ltd., St. Mary Cray, Kent, England. c1960 Morphy Richards Noiseless electric hairdryer circa 1960
ICALL Perfex electric hair dryer 230 to 250 volts, c.1930 ICALL Perfex electric hair dryer 230 to 250 volts 1930
`Sylentflo' Electric Hair Dryer, MK. II- Ivory, (230V-250V, 400W, No.9987) with original packaging, by Fractional H.P. Motors Ltd., Hendon, London, England, 1945-1965 `Sylentflo' Electric Hair Dryer with original packaging
Hair dryer, Braun 'Silencio 1200', type 4583, 230V, 50/60 Hz, 1200W. Made in Ireland 1999. Silencio 1200 1999
Morphy Richards salonaire supreme hair dryer, model 4818, 800W, for home use. Made in West Germany for British Domestic Appliances Ltd., Wembley, Middx. c1974 Morphy Richards salonaire supreme hair dryer 1974
L.G. Hawkins 'Supreme' Electric Hair Dryer, 550W, 220-250V (type C. LGH 95722) with original packaging, by L G Hawkins and Company Limited, England, 1947-1949 L.G. Hawkins 'Supreme' Electric Hair Dryer with original packaging