Leather framed ostrich feather headdress worn round the face, oval frame with straps, Masai tribe, maker, East African, 1871-1900 Leather framed ostrich feather headdress worn round the face 1871-1900
Headdress, roughly circular hair and down bundle with short red feathers in top with plume of three long black feathers, African(?), 1880-1920 Headdress, hair and down bundle with short red feather sand plume of three long black feathers 1880-1920
Medicine man's headdress or bonnet, animal skin decorated with tufts of hair, Basutoland, South Africa, 1890-1930 Medicine man's headdress or bonnet 1890-1930
Buffalo horn headdress, pair of black horns, curved round with pointed tips joined by wooden mount hide cuff around central mount, part of Shaman's costume, Sioux tribe(?), Plains Indians, USA, 1865-1900 Buffalo horn headdress 1865-1900
Cream lace headdress with streamers, surmounted by artificial roses, buds and leaves, part of Chalmers collection, English, 1837-1900 Cream lace headdress with streamers 1837-1900
Headdress consisting of lace bow with short lappets, part of Chalmers collection, probably English, 1835-1900 Headdress Consisting of Lace Bow With Short Lappets. 1835-1900