Object type
Headed paper, card and paper, The Great North of England, Clarence and Hartlepool Juntion Railway.

The Great North of England, Clarence and Hartlepool Juntion Railway headed paper

Blue headed notepaper with London & North Eastern Railway "The Silver Jubilee", embossed in silver. c.1935.

Headed notepaper


Blue headed notepaper with London & North Eastern Railway "The Silver Jubilee", embossed in silver. c.1935. Folded down the middle.

Headed notepaper


Headed paper, London and North Eastern Railway Silver Jubilee, blue with silver lettering.

London & North Eastern Railway Silver Jubilee headed paper

Headed letter paper from the Great Western Railway Chief Accountant's Office, Paddington Station, c1930.

Great Western Railway Headed paper


Headed paper, nine copies, Otley and Ilkley Joint Line Committee, unused.

Otley and Ilkley Joint Line Committee

British Railways headed paper used in the Chairman's room of the railway executive. 4 separate pieces of paper, each of differing size, and each baring the title British Railways: The Railway Executive and the name of John Elliot.

British Railways headed paper used in the Chairman's room of the railway executive. 4 separate pieces of paper

Headed paper, 3 sheets, Brecon & Merthyr Railway, unused.

Brecon & Merthyr Railway headed paper

Kodak Limited headed paper giving the address of 184/86 Regent Street, London, W.1 and telephone numbers. It also includes a red text box which reads "The Kodak Works at Harrow Cover 14 Acres of Floor Space and with the English Distributing Organisation Give Employment to 4,200 British Employees. "With the Marquis of Headfort's compliments." is typed onto the headed paper although it is unclear what the compliments refer to. When held to the light a folding camera shaped watermark is visible. An embossed stamp is also visible reading 'National Scheme For Disabled Men'.

Kodak Limited Headed Paper

6 pages of Cheshire Lines Committee headed note paper. Folded in half and placed inside one another. Off white colour, with company logo in the top left hand corner. In the top right hand corner is written "Telephone 1414 Royal; Central Station; Liverpool".

Cheshire Lines Committee headed note paper

Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway headed lined paper. The heading simply consists of the name of the railway, with no crest or address.

Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway headed paper

Headed paper,Joseph Nall, "Carrier by Water to and from Liverpool, Water street with view of their warehouse.

Joseph Nall

Blue headed notepaper with London & North Eastern Railway "The Silver Jubilee", embossed in silver. c.1935.

Headed notepaper


Blue headed notepaper with London & North Eastern Railway "The Silver Jubilee", embossed in silver. c.1935. Folded down the middle.

Headed notepaper


Blue headed notepaper with London & North Eastern Railway "The Silver Jubilee", embossed in silver. c.1935.

Headed notepaper
