High frequency cabinet (Gaiffe-d'Arsonval 1903-1904 machine) with control panel, transformer, 8 accumulators, 2 cells and carbon filament light bulb, by A. Gaiffe, Paris, owned by Dr. A. Bruce, Edinburgh, 1904-1910 High frequency cabinet (Gaiffe-d'Arsonval 1903-1904 machine) with control panel 1903-1904
High frequency induction apparatus, by A. Gaiffe, Paris, 1880-1910 High frequency induction apparatus 1880-1910
High frequency apparatus with induction coil and capacitor bank, European, 1890-1915 High frequency apparatus with induction coil and capacitor bank 1890-1950
High frequency electrotherapeutic apparatus, mobile, on hardwood cabinet, by Ludwig Schulmeister, Spitalgasse 5, Vienna 9, Austria, 1925-1935. High frequency electrotherapeutic apparatus 1925-1935
High frequency "violet ray" electrotherapy apparatus with three electrodes, English, 1925-1940 High frequency "violet ray" electrotherapy apparatus with three electrodes 1925-1940
d'Arsonval type high frequency generator with accessories by the Wappler Electric Co., 162-182 Harris Avenue, Long Island, New York, United States, 1920. d'Arsonval type high frequency generator with accessories by the Wappler Electric Co. 1920
Incomplete violet ray apparatus, in fitted leatherette case, three heads and a curved tube only, English, early 20th century Incomplete violet ray apparatus 1920-1950