High-speed camera system head with customised fast-readout CCD sensor, developed by the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, 1980-1985 High-speed camera system head with customised fast-readout CCD sensor 1980-1985
Five high speed cine cameras used by Rolls-Royce at Derby to film tests of aero engines. Two 400ft HySpeed 16mm Cameras Model 201-10; one 400ft Hycam 16mm camera; two 100ft Hycam 16mm cameras. Manufactured by John Hadland (PI) Ltd in 1980s. Collection of HySpeed and HyCam Cameras 1980s
400ft HySpeed 16mm Cameras Model 201-10 used by Rolls-Royce at Derby to film tests of aero engines. With case, valves and shutters. Manufactured by John Hadland (PI) Ltd in 1980s. Labelled J342. Internal bookplate serial number: 166 HySpeed Camera made for Rolls Royce 1980s
400ft HySpeed 16mm Cameras Model 201-10 used by Rolls-Royce at Derby to film tests of aero engines. Manufactured by John Hadland (PI) Ltd in 1980s. Labelled B72079 & 552/397. Internal bookplate serial number: No-63/John Hadland (P.I.) Ltd. With case also containing one Fastax Pro Raptar Wollensak size 7 filter hood lens. Serial number: E27242 and one Fastax Raptar Size 7 filter Wollensak 13mm lens. Serial number: E36938. HySpeed Camera made for Rolls Royce 1980s