Ice bucket, silver plate, British Transport Hotel Services, with two handles and lid, lining missing, marked 'BTHS' on side, open block logo, EPNS, made in England, maker's mark unreadable, 1963-1983. silver plated ice bucket, British Transport Hotel Services 1963-1983
Ice bucket with lining, silver plated, North Eastern Railway, plain with 2 handles and 3 ball feet, marked with 'NER Royal Station Hotel Hull' garter enclosing 'NER', by Elkington & Co, 13432, 1884. Silver plated ice bucket, North Eastern Railway - Royal Station Hotel Hull 1884
Ice bucket, silver plated, Great Northern Railway, replicating the look of a wooden bucket with four bands and integral handles, 'GNH' interlocked monogram on side, Great Northern Hotels, made by George Richmond Collis and Company, Regent St, London. Silver plated ice bucket, Great Northern Railway
Ice bucket, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1948; plain bands, GWR coat of arms on side, with banner below "GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HOTELS". Silver plated ice bucket, Great Western Railway - Hotels 1948
Ice bucket, London & North Western Railway, ex unidentified Royal Saloon, wooden, oval shape. metal ceramic interior Wooden ice bucket, London & North Western Railway
Ice bucket, London & North Western Railway, ex unidentified Royal Saloon, wooden, oval shape. metal ceramic interior Wooden ice bucket, London & North Western Railway
Ice bucket, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1879, London & South Western Railway, two rectangular handles, decorated with two embossed bands, marked on base "REFT Dept L&SWR". Overall: 151 mm x 134 mm. Silver plated ice bucket, London & South Western Railway 1879
Ice bucket, wooden with copper bands and copper top, British Transport Commission Hotels, marked 'BTC Hotels' on top copper band, with plastic insert, two wooden integrated handles, Thermos Regd Trade Mark, made in England, Model 930. Wooden ice bucket British Transport Commission Hotels
Ice bucket, silver plated, Pullman, roundel on side ‘Pullman Car Company Limited’, two handles, four bands above and below roundel, marked underneath ‘212 7367’, by Christofle, poor condition. Silver plated ice bucket, Pullman
Ice bucket, silver plated, Great Northern Railway - Dining Car, made by Carrington & Co, 130 Regent Street, London; 1906-1922. Overall: 201 mm x 66 mm. Silver plated ice bucket, Great Northern Railway - Dining Car 1906-1922
Ice bucket, silver plated, by R.L.&Co, Sheffield, London & North Eastern Railway, circular, marked "L.&N.E.Rly R.C., base marked 'M8288'. Silver plated ice bucket, London & North Eastern Railway
Ice pail, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, London & North Eastern Railway, "LNER" coronation monogram, c.1936 Silver plated ice pail, London & North Eastern Railway 1936
Ice bucket, tongs and draining tool, silver plated, Great Central Railway. Silver plated ice bucket and tools, Great Central Railway - Leicester
Ice bucket, silver plated, Pullman, marked on side ‘Pullman’ and below Pullman Car Company Limited roundel, two integral extensions with holes for handle, handle missing, warranted hard and silver soldered, by Walker & Hall, 1932. Silver plated ice bucket, Pullman Car Company 1932
Ice bucket, glass, London Midland & Scottish Railway, plain, straightsided, 2 twisted glass handles, "LMS HOTELS 5" block logo etched on glass. Glass ice bucket, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels 1923-1948
Ice bucket, silver plated, by C Bros, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, engraved "MS and L Railway & Co (M). Silver plated ice bucket, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway
Metal ice bucket, scratched surface, two handles and four feet, Newhaven to Dieppe service, bearing makers mark Ice bucket, Newhaven - Dieppe
Ice bucket, silver plated, Pullman Car Company Limited, made by Joseph Westby & Co, Sheffield; stamped with Pullman logo. Overall: 146 mm x 144 mm x 137 mm, 0.59 kg. Silver plated ice bucket, Pullman Car Company
Ice bucket, glass, Great Western Railway Hotels two handled, clear glass with opaque glass panels. Glass ice bucket, Great Western Railway - Hotels
Ice bucket, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, London & North Eastern Railway, circular patterned to ressemble barrel, marked "LNER", 1929. Silver plated ice bucket, London & North Eastern Railway 1929
Ice bucket, silver plated, Station Hotel Perth, marked with coat-of-arms of Perth, double headed eagle and shield displaying pascal lamb, with 'Station Hotel' above and 'Perth' below, two handled, by Elkington & Co, 15581, 1890. Overall: 234 mm x 175 mm, 1.3kg. Silver plated ice bucket, British Transport Hotels - Station Hotel Perth 1890
Ice bucket, British Transport Catering Services, made by L&B, stamped with BTCS, EPNS A1 and the maker's mark. overall: 150 mm x 137 mm 105 mm Silver plated ice bucket, British Transport Catering Services