Invalid chair, no company markings, upholstered seat in red and black patterned moquette with hinged arm rests, two front side wheels and a smaller pivoted wheel at the rear. Invalid chair
Invalid chair, no company markings, three wheeler with front steering rod, red rexine upholstery. Diameter of rear wheels 2'6'', front wheel 1'6'', overall length 6'0''. Invalid Chair.
Invalid chair, British Railways, 3 wheeled with steering rod, green wooden panelled with moquette interior cushions, "BR No 4" painted on the back. Diameter of two rear wheels 2'6'', front wheel 1'6'', overall length 6' 0''. BR Invalid Chair
Self-propelled invalid's chair, Merlin, 1860-1900 Self-propelled wheelchair, historically referred to as an 'invalid's chair' 1860-1900