1x250ml bottle of Aqueous Iodine Solution, by Evans Medical, 1950-1985 Bottle of Aqueous Iodine Solution 1950-1985
Wooden box containing 1x14cc ampoule of "Vaparole" Iodine Tincture, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1910-1930 Box containing ampoule of "Vaparole" iodine tincture 1910-1930
1x500 ml bottle of strong iodine solution B.P., by Ayrton Saunders and Co., 1954 Bottle of strong iodine solution B.P.
1x2oz bottle of Phenolated iodine spray, by Clark, Nettleship and Bailey, Leicester, 1934 Bottle of Phenolated iodine spray 1934