Properties of Carbon Dioxide Instrument, original apparatus used by Thomas Andrews, 1863-1876. Apparatus made by J. A. Cumine, 57 Arthur Street, Belfast. Properties of Carbon Dioxide Gas Apparatus, 1863 1863
Leslie's apparatus for freezing water in vacuo, J.J. Griffin and Sons, Garrick Street, London, England 1880. Consisting of double barrel air pump with glass receiver, porous basin and acid pan Leslie's apparatus for freezing water in the vacuum, 1880 1880
Dalton's apparatus for measuring the pressure of saturated vapours at different temperatures, by J. J. Griffin and Sons, London, England, 1880. Comprised of a thermometer, two inner (and outer) glass tubes, japanned tin vessel with handles, box wood scale, brass frame on wooden base, spirit lamp and tripod. (Note: lamp & thermometer stolen and written off 4.1.1972) Dalton's Vapour Pressure Apparatus, 1880 1880
Tyndall's boiling point apparatus, by J. J. Griffin and Sons, London, England, 1880. Comprised of an iron stand with brass uprights, burner, earthenware support for large flask, two flasks connected by metal tube with stopcocks and condensing syringe. Tyndall's boiling point apparatus, 1880. 1880
Berthelots apparatus for measuring latent heat, by F. E. Becker & Co. (W. & J. George Ltd.), 30-37 Hatton Wall, London, England, 1900-1907. (See note.) Berthelots Calorimeter, 1900-1907 1900-1907