Dried leaves on stem of hakea laurina, from W. Australia, 1851-1930 Dried leaves on stem of hakea laurina 1851-1930
Chopped dried leaves and stems of anemone supplied by Potter and Clarke Ltd.,English, 1871-1930 Chopped dried leaves and stems of anemone supplied by Potter and Clarke Ltd.
Leaves of tal patta, probably South East Asian, possibly Indian, 1830 to 1920 Leaves of tal patta 1830-1920
Dried green laurel leaves supplied by Potter and Clarke Ltd., English, 1871-1930 Dried green laurel leaves supplied by Potter and Clarke Ltd.
Crushed dried senna(?) leaves and stems, "sena makka", Indian, 1851-1930 Crushed dried senna(?) leaves and stems, "sena mak 1851-1930
Powdered gutta percha leaf, palaquium oblingifolium, probably from Dutch East Indies, 1851-1908 Powdered gutta percha leaf 1851-1908
Dried leaves of blepharis capensis, used by Xosa of South Africa as remedy for toothache, from South Africa, 1870-1930 Dried leaves of blepharis capensis 1870-1930
Leaves of kumshri pettah probably South East Asain, possibly Indian, 1830-1920 Leaves of kumshri pettah probably South East Asain 1830-1920