Modern 35mm preservation master fine-grain negative copy of 1937-791/1, 1937-791/2, 1937-791/8 and 1937-791/11. This was the first stage in the realisation of the colour information contained in the orginal Lee and Turner positives. Modern 35mm preservation master fine-grain negative copies 2011-2012
Modern 35mm preservation master fine-grain positive copy of 1937-791/3, 1937-791/4, 1937-791/5, 1937-791/6, 1937-791/7, 1937-791/9 and 1937-791/10. This was the first stage in the realisation of the colour information contained in the orginal Lee and Turner negatives. Modern 35mm preservation master fine-grain positive copy of 1937-791/3 2011-2012