Captain Kater's Imperial standard yard bed in bronze of 1824 with wooden box Captain Kater's Imperial standard yard bed with wooden box 1824
Baily's bronze line yard no.41A (1855) (37" overall instead of 38" as in the current Imperial Standard) with wooden box. Fitted gold studs (with defining lines) sunk is well holes at ends of bar Baily's bronze line yard no.41A, with wooden box 1855
Copy of the Imperial Standard Yard by Dollond 1831, 3'3"x1 22/32"x7/16", in mahogany case, divided in inches, numbered 0 to 36, extra inch to left of zero, divided to 1/10 inch. Engraved "Royal Society no.46" "Dollond London". Fahrenheit 62 degree "From 0 to 36, 35: 99938 inches of the Imperial Standard Yard. H. Kater" Copy of the Imperial Standard Yard by Dollond 1831 1831
Bronze copy of the American standard yard and Bed, of 1842 with wooden box Bronze copy of the American standard yard and Bed 1842
Captain Kater's 1824 Imperial Line standard yard No.1, in bronze with stepped ends inlet with gold studs for the defining lines Captain Kater's 1824 Imperial Line standard yard No.1, with box 1824