Five rolls of boric lint, by Savory and Moore, London, W1, England, 1920-1960. Five rolls of boric lint 1920-1960
Four rolls of boric lint wrapped in brown paper, prepared by S. Maw Son and Sons, Ltd., of New Barnet, Herts, English, 1930-1960 Four rolls of boric lint wrapped in brown paper 1930-1960
5 rolls of boric lint wrapped in blue paper, prepared by Savory and Moore Ltd., London, W1, England, 1930-1960. 5 rolls of boric lint wrapped in blue paper 1930-1960
Packet of `Tabloid' brand pleated lint by Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., London 1906-1920 Packet of `Tabloid' brand pleated lint by Burroughs 1906-1920
Packet of pleated boric lint, `Tabloid' brand, made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co./London, 1906-1920 Packet of pleated boric lint 1906-1920