Object type

Manuals; Sharp 5500/5600


Manual for EZ Keys communications equipment and software

11 manuals illustrating online factory and retail business management techniques


Nao V5 Evolution humanoid robot and associated merchandise and components


Reference manual for Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument

User manual for Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument

Three different operation manuals for the Canon CanoWord 65W and 65B – in Japanese, published in 1991


Varous manuals.

HDTV manuals

NASA Conversion Tables for Velocities manual


Manuals for Hewlett Packard HP 65 hand-held electronic calculator, c. 1972.


Manuals, programmes and books

Radio Shack TRS80 manuals


British Red Cross Society nursing manual No.2. 1914.

British Red Cross Society nursing manual No.2. 1914

45 various user manuals and programming guides.

45 various user manuals and programming guides

Collection of computer equipment and manuals.

Collection of Computer Equipment and Manuals

Manufacturing manual section 1 of original plans and drawings from Rutan VariEze light aircraft, UK registered as G-IPSY, 1982. Built by R. A. Fairclough

Manufacturing manual section 1 of original plans and drawings from Rutan VariEze light aircraft

Loose paper sheets with a card backing 'Biodata Microlink - GPIB Drivers User Manual, by Biodata Ltd., Manchester, 1985, revised 1986.

Loose paper sheets with a card backing 'Biodata Microlink - GPIB Drivers User Manual


Army manual of chiropody, H.M.S.O. 1931

Army manual of chiropody, H.M.S.O. 1931

User guide and operating manual for Glucometer blood glucose meter, by Miles Laboratories Inc (Ames Division), P.O. Box 70, Elkhart, Indiana 46515, United States, 1980-1990.

User guide and operating manual for Glucometer blood glucose meter


Manuals for DEC Rainbow 100 Personal computer System, c.1983

Manuals for DEC Rainbow 100 Personal computer System


Technical Information and Service Manual for Studer A80 Recorder and Audio Kinetics XT-24 Intelocator

Documentation for Studer A80 Recorder and Audio Kinetics XT-24 Intelocator

Paediatric Blast Injury Field Manual, a resource aimed at those with medical training and created to provide technical guidance and medical information and outline practical steps and procedures for the treatment of severely injured children, particularly in conflict zones, produced by the Paediatric Blast Injury Partnership, a coalition of doctors and experts founded by Save the Children and Imperial College London, 2019.

Paediatric Blast Injury Field Manual


Approximately 1600 drawings and c60 boxes of files, manuals, papers, catalogues etc. from Eastleigh Works. Material deposited on the closure of Eastleigh by its owners, Alstom Transport, at the end of 2005. The drawings include site and plant drawings for Eastleigh and other works dating back to the 1890s. Files include specifications of carriages, catalogues and manuals from component suppliers and sub-contractors, test reports etc. Also some drawing regsisters and a few photographs. Collection requires weeding.

Eastleigh Collection

circa 1890-circa 1970

Instruction manual "Air Survey Camera" Eagle IX MK2

Instruction manual 'Air Survey Camera' Eagle IX MK2

Manuals and documentation, for Elliott/NRDC 401 Computer MkI, c. 1953

Manuals and documentation

Manuals for musical equipment and other devices built, owner and used by electro-acoustic musician Hugh Davies (1943-2005)

Manuals for musical equipment and other devices built

LEO II code book and manuals, 1957-61.

LEO II code book and manuals, 1957-61.


Plastic bag with Instruction Manual 'OS300 20Mhz Dual Trace Oscilloscope' by Gould Essex, c. 1970-1980

Plastic bag with Instruction Manual 'OS300 20Mhz Dual Trace Oscilloscope' by Gould Essex


Plastic bag containing a Models VC-6025-VC-6045 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Operation Manual, Hitachi Denshi Ltd, two probe kits and one cable

Plastic bag containing a Models VC-6025-VC-6045 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Operation Manual, Hitachi Denshi Ltd, two probe kits and one cable

Five instruction manuals

Five instruction manuals, for IBM MAG Card Composer

Manuals and documentation

Manuals and documentation

VariEze Flight Manual

VariEze Flight Manual

Folder containing 'Biodata PA 400 Instruction Manual - by Biodata Ltd., Manchester.

Folder containing 'Biodata PA 400 Instruction Manual - by Biodata Ltd.


Two ring binder manuals by Systat Intelligent Software, in a cardboard case.

Two ring binder manuals by Systat Intelligent Software, in a cardboard case.

Torch graduate co-processor for converting micro computers to DOS based operating systems, with set of two software and learning manuals

Torch Graduate co-processor, software and manuals

circa 1980

Operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the State Hospital, Carstairs, Scotland, established by Dr Paul Barrett and Dr Hans Eysenck to conduct psychological investigations into the relationship between psychophysical measures (e.g. inspection time, sensory nerve conduction, reaction time etc.) and psychometric measures (e.g. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Raven's Matrices, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale etc.); 1989-1999.

Operator manuals and software for Masscomp computer