Maquette for SKB Health Schools Project winner: The Importance of Sleep Maquette for SKB Health Schools Project winner 1995
Maquette and six illustrations for SKB Health Schools Project winner: The Importance of Sleep and all rights of reproduction and usage in perpetuity. SKB Health Schools Project winner: 'The Importance of Sleep' 1995
Maquette 'England By The Sea' and associated notebook and workbook belonging to Tony Ray-Jones England By The Sea
Maquette of book: To The Four Corners by Bernard Grant, published 1933 by Hutchinson. Maquette of book: To The Four Corners by Bernard Grant 1933
'England by the Sea' maquette, made by Tony Ray-Jones in 1969-1970. This is a spiral bound sketchbook with 54 pages. It contains 37 photographs by Tony Ray-Jones pasted into the sketchbook, along with a hand drawn title page, and pages of dummy text. England by the Sea - book maquette 1969-1970