Measure, pewter, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Gaskell & Chambers, Birmingham; straight-sided, half pint, marked "GWR HOTELS HALF PINT". Pewter measure, Great Western Railway - Hotels
Measure, 1/4 gill, pewter, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, unidentified maker; "5" marked underneath, baluster shape, "LYR" marked on side. Measurements overall: 45 mm x 54 mm x 42 mm. Pewter 1/4 gill measure, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway
Measure, pewter, Great Western Railway Refreshment Department, baluster shape, 1/2 gill, marked "1/2 GILL GWR RD". Pewter measure, Great Western Railway
Measure, 1/2 gill, pewter, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, made by Harry Mason Ltd, Birmingham; baluster shape, marked "HALF GILL LMS HOTELS". Pewter measure, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels
Measure, pint, pewter, by Harry Mason Ltd, Birmingham, London Midland & Scottish Railway, baluster shape, marked "LMS PINT HOTELS". Pewter measure, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels
Measure, 1 gill, pewter, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, made by Harry Mason Ltd, Birmingham; baluster shape, marked "GILL LMS HOTELS" on side. Pewter gill measure, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels
Measure, pewter, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Gaskell & Chambers, Birmingham; 1 gill, baluster shape, marked "GWR GILL HOTELS". Pewter measure, Great Western Railway - Hotels
Measure, pewter, Great Western Railway - Hotels & Refreshment Rooms Department, made by Gaskell & Chambers, Birmingham; 1 pint, baluster shape, marked "GWR H & RRD PINT". Pewter measure, Great Western Railway - Hotels & Refreshment Rooms Department
Measure, pewter, Great Western Railway - Hotels and Refreshment Rooms Department, unidentified maker; 1/2 pint, marked underneath "GWR H & RRD", baluster shape. Pewter measure, Great Western Railway - Hotels and Refreshment Rooms Department