Clearspan P100L single pen temperature recorder with spare chart and accessories, 1970-78. Calibrated to use copper constantin thermocouple. Single-Pen Electrical Temperature Recorder, 1970-78 1970-1978
Original Callendar electrical temperature recorder (including integrator) in wooden case, 1897. Callendar Temperature Recorder, 1897 1897
Measuring rod, heavy, tapering, equal divisions marked with inlaid brass, also inlaid characters in brass Brass measuring rod
Pressure measuring device for feet, in white cabinet, invented by Mr. Dodds Pressure measuring device for feet
Single thread electrical temperature recorder in glazed case, by The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company Ltd., Cambridge, England, 1910-14. Range say 0-1000°C, with 100 charts Single Thread Temperature Recorder, 1910-14 1910-1914
ECG machine by the Cambridge Instrument Co. A unique calibrating model, c.1940. With box of ECG leads and spare parts, & galvanometer (without scale). Electrocardiograph machine, c.1940 1935-1945