Small emergency medicine case containing items, tools and medication, which lead us to believe that it was caried by someone for use in emergency proceedures. The tools consist of brush, forceps, glass dropping rod and dropper, mustard plaster, silk for dressing wounds, charcoal and cotton wool. The case also contains glass phials of ether, 'acidi phinique pur', ergomatrine, emetic (emitique), atropine pills, potassium chlorate (chlorate de potasse), 'salicylate desoxide'. Also containing numbered LDRPS 1993 819/1-6 of morphine hydrochloride, opium pills, opium, cocaine, laudanum and morphine. 'Salicylate desoxide' powder is wrapped in paper from a French outpatients clinic Paris 1883. Emergency medicine case containing items, tools and medication, including 7 glass vials 1830-1930