Object type

London & North Eastern Railway locomotive department


Two memoranda from J H Burns, Traffic Manager, New Brighton, Wirral Railway, to Mr Weaver, Birkenhead Docks re. excursion bookings and about changing posters on Mersey Stations, and replacing machines on station by British United Automatic Machine Company Limited



Bundle of memoranda, paper, memoranda noting dates of transfer of vehicles to the NRM, 10 Dec. 1976 to 21 Jul. 1982. Memoranda from the Stores Controller (Railways), Churnet House, Derby to the Rolling Stock Librarian, Burdett House, Derby, noting the dates of transfer of former BR vehicles to the NRM.

Memoranda noting dates of transfer of vehicles to the NRM


Memoranda from J H Burns, Traffic Manager, New Brighton, Wirral Railway, to Mr Weaver, Birkenhead Docks re. excursions bookings 1st October 1903 and until further notice. For the Wiral area.



Memoranda, manuscript on foolscap, Locomotives built 1907 to 1922 G&SW and Highland Sections and Locomotives built during years 1907 to 1922 (CR) and 1923-1926 (LMS), latter dated 13 November 1926. LMS memoranda recording Glasgow & South Western Railway, Highland Railway and Caledonian Railway locomotives.

Locomotives built 1907 to 1922 G&SW and Highland Sections; Locomotives built during years 1907 to 1922 (CR) and 1923-1926 (LMS)


Memoranda, foolscap paper, Railway Executive instruction no. 297 Lettering of Rolling Stock and no. 309 Re-Numbering of Locomotives, 16 and 31 March 1948. Issued by the Railway Executive from the Works Manager's Office, Ashford Works. Re the lettering and re-numbering of Southern Region stock.

Lettering of Rolling Stock; Re-Numbering of Locomotives

1948-03-16; 1948-03-31