Object type

Microphotograph of Niepce


Microphotograph No.28 ‘The Creed Illuminated’ maker JB Dancer

Microphotograph "Photograph from life of J. B. Dancer"


Four microphotographs by JB Dancer

1860; 1860

Microphotograph, made by Dancer


Pou de l'abeille domestique grossiment 300 diametres

circa 1857

Tête d'une larve de cousin, grossement 200 diametres

circa 1857

Forty-four microphotographs by J. B. Dancer


Six microphotographs by J. B. Dancer


Microphotograph of Andrew Pritchard

J.B. Dancer_x000D_ _x000D_ Micrograph View

circa 1862

Microphotograph Portrait of Professor Emanuel Goldberg


Microphotograph 'The Lord's Prayer Illuminated

circa 1855

Microphotograph, made by Dancer




Puce de l'homme grossiment 50 diametres

circa 1857

Pou de coq domestique grossiment 200 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph in form of miniature umbrella.

Microphotograph in form of miniature umbrella.

Microphotograph of 85 portraits of Kings and Queens of England by Alfred Rosling, c 1860.

Microphotograph of 85 portraits of the Kings and Queens of England, by Alfred Rosling, c 1860


Microphotograph in form of miniature opera glass.

Microphotograph in form of miniature opera glass.

Pigeon post microphotograph, 1871.

Pigeon Post Microphotograph


Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Ricin du coq domestique grossiment 100 diameters', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print from glass negative.

Ricin du coq domestique grossiment 100 diameters

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Tigi d'oxalis crenata grossiment 220 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print. Stalk or stem of wood sorrel (oxalis crenata)

Tigi d'oxalis crenata grossiment 220 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Aiguillon d'abeille grossiment 80 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print. Sting of the honey bee magnified 80 times

Aiguillon d'abeille grossiment 80 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Appareil Phosphorescent du Vers Luisant (Lampire) grossiment 100 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print. Phosphorescent apparatus of the glow worm

Appareil Phosphorescent du Vers Luisant (Lampire) grossiment 100 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Bouche de guepe grossiment 50 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Mouth of a wasp magnified 50 times. Salt print.

Bouche de guepe grossiment 50 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Paille de Blé Coupe horizontale grossiment 50 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print. Horizontal section of a wheat straw magnified 50 times

Paille de Blé Coupe horizontale grossiment 50 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Puceron du Rosier grossiment 100 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Rose Aphid magnified 100 times. Salt print.

Puceron du Rosier grossiment 100 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Staphilin microscopique grossiment 100 diameters', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print. Staphilin beetle magnified 100 times

Staphilin microscopique grossiment 100 diameters

circa 1857

J.B. Dancer micro photograph on 3 x 1 inches microscope slide. No.29. "the Creed" Plain contains 484 letters.

J.B. Dancer micro photograph

Micro photograph on 3 x 1 inches microscope slide. "Ecce Homo A micro photograph".

micro photograph

Micro photograph on 3 x 1 inches microscope slide. "Photograph The Gleaners Return. Painted by Reynolds. A.R."

micro photograph

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Antennes de la mouche volucelle grossissement 100 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Antennae of a volucella fly magnified 100 times. Salt print.

Antennes de la mouche volucelle grossissement 100 diametres

circa 1857

Microphotograph made on Kodak MR plate from a negatic by J.B. Dancer. "king Francis II of Naples" from original lent by Mr. A. Barron. Made by Dr. Stevens.

micro photograph


Microphotograph on microscope slide 3 x 3/4 inches. "Page with 42 lines of print, reduced to height of 0.5mm on Kodak MR plate. Two images.

micro photograph

Micro photograph on 3 x 1 inches microscope slide. "5 microphotograph household treasures J.L.C."

micro photograph

Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Crachée de la chenille processionnaire grossissement 100 diam', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c 1857.

Crachée de la chenille processionnaire grossissement 100 diam

circa 1857

J.B. Dancer micro photograph on 3 x 1 inches microscope slide. No.15. "The Artic Council discussing the plan of search for Sir John Franklin". Thirteen portraits. Painted by Stephen Pearce and engraved by James Scott. First figure to the left ios Captain Sir. G. Back, R. Admiral, Sir Edward Parry, Capt. E.J. Bird, Capt. Sir J.C. Ross, R.ADmrl. Sir F. Beaufort, J Barrow Esq, Lt. Col. Sabine, Capt. W.A.B Hamilton, Sir J. Richardson, CApt. F.W. Beechey, portraits of Sir J. Barrow, Capt. J Fitxjames and Sir J. Franklin.

J.B. Dancer micro photograph on 3 x 1 inches microscope slide. No.15.

Heart-shaped pendant in banded agate. Double loop brass fitting. Centre drilled to take Stanhope lens, without metal mount. Reproduction of engraving 'The new lighthouse of RAMSGATE Harbour'. Possibly modern resetting.

Agate heart pendant with Stanhope

Seven microphotographs by J. B. Dancer, c.1860; catalogue nos: 3, 5, 11, 12, 149, 345.

Seven microphotographs by J. B. Dancer


Fourteen microphotographs by J. B. Dancer, c.1860; catalogue nos: 20, 55, 93, 126, 199, 236, 241, 262, 301, 317, 363, 390, 491, 495.

Fourteen microphotographs by J. B. Dancer


Three microphotographs by J. B. Dancer, c.1860; catalogue nos: 152, 184, 452.

Three microphotographs by J. B. Dancer


Microphotograph, made by Dancer, John Benjamin in England, United Kingdom, 1860

Microphotograph, made by Dancer


Three microphotographs, taken by John Benjamin Dancer, catalogue numbers 8, 17 and 61.

Three microphotographs


Carved bone pen holder and letter opener with stanhope lens with views of Brighton: Hotel Metropole and Grand hotel, royal chain pier, west pier, royal pavilion, aquarium clock tower and entrance and the beach. From H. Snelling, Chain Pier Bazaar.

souvenir pen holder and letter opener with micro phtograph

A microphotograph by J.B. Dancer: "Sir W. Herschell. Born 1738, Astronomer". Sold by J. Warner, Optician, 72 Fleet Street, c. 1855.

Sir W Herschell


Microphotograph salt print entitled 'Trichocolea tomentella (tranche) 50 diametres', by Auguste Adolphe Bertsch, c. 1857. Salt print. Slice of Handsome Woolywort, or Liverwort

Trichocolea tomentella (tranche) 50 diametres

circa 1857

Gold sphere, 13mm in diameter with black enamelled band around the centre marked In Memoriam in gold lettering. Contains a stanhope lens with microphotograph of elderly gentleman, full length, in CDV type pose. Ring for fixing to chain or watch fob.

Gold ball containing microphotograph

Stanhope lens with six views; 'A Memory of Mablethorpe'.

Turned Ivory 'Tusk' With Microphotograph

Three microphotographs on standard microscope slides: No.26 The Lord's Prayer illuminated contains 280 J.B.D. No.51 £20 Bank note J.B.D. No.249 Extract from Dicken's readings a christams carol, Bob Cratchit's dinner J.B.D. John Benjamin Dancer.

J.B. Dancer microphotographs