Microphotographs of the louse associated with trench fever and typhus, taken by F. Martin Duncan, 1918-19 Microphotographs of the louse associated with trench fever and typhus 1918-1919
Ten microphotograph prints of typical steel and iron sections Ten microphotograph prints of typical steel and iron sections
Six microphotographs by J.B. Dancer and Ward in small wooden box, 2" x 1 1/2" x 1", 1855-1870: 1. Balmoral Castle No. 114 2. Osborne No. 253 3. Melrose Abbey No. 261 4. "The Old Man's Best Argument" No. 35 5. Arctic Council No. 15 6. Front Page, Manchester City News 6 Microphotographs in wooden box 1855-1870
Wooden box containing microphotographs, part of a collection of optical instruments used by Horace Dall. Wooden box containing microphotographs