3 red boxes each containing one glass phial of "Soloid" Haemalum microscopic stain capsules and information leaflet, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1911-1916 Three cartons containing a glass phial of 'Soloid' Haemalum stain capsules 1911-1926
Small red box containing glass phial of "Soloid" Haematoxylin microscopic stain, 0.1g, with instruction leaflet, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1911 "Soloid" Haematoxylin microscopic stain 1911
Small red box containing glass phial of "Soloid" Borax Methylene Blue microscopic stain, with instruction leaflet, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1911 "Soloid" Borax Methylene Blue microscopic stain 1911
Red box containing glass phial of "Soloid" Neutral Red microscopic stain, 0.1g, with information leaflet, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1920 Soloid neutral red microscopic stain 1920
Red box containing glass phial of "Soloid" Eosin-Azur microscopic stain, with information leaflet, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1911 Soloid Eosin-Azur microscopic stain 1911
Red box containing glass phial of "Soloid" Mercury Oxycyanide microscopic stain, with information leaflet, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., 1909 Soloid mercury oxycyanide microscopic stain 1909