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Object type

Ceramic milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway


Milk jug, ceramic with pewter lid, Southern Railway, made by John Maddock & Sons Ltd, Burslem - 'Royal Vitreous'; white with Southern Railway garter in green. Overall: 110 mm x 125 mm x 88 mm.

Ceramic milk jug, Southern Railway


Plate metal milk jug


Milk jug, 1/2 pint, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Mappin & Webb, Sheffield; GWR Hotels roundel. (BTH 170W)

Silver plated milk jug, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Milk jug, 1/2 pint, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Restaurant Car, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1910; straight-sided, GWR coat of arms on side with "GCR" below and " RESTAURANT CAR". Overall: 94 mm x 120 mm x 75 mm, 0.26kg.

Silver plated milk jug, Great Western Railway - Restaurant Car


Milk jug, 1/2 pint, silver plated, Great EasternRailway - Restaurant Car, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1920. (BTH 336E) Overall: 98 mm x 122 mm x 82 mm, 0.3kg.

Silver plated milk jug, Great Eastern Railway - Restaurant Car


Milk jug, silver plated, by H E & Co, Great Central Railway, straight sides with decorative engraving, "GT CENTRAL RY" with GCR coat of arms engraved below spout

Silver plated milk jug, Great Central Railway

Milk jug, ceramic, Great Eastern Railway, brown, white inside, "GER" marked underneath, no maker's mark.

Great Eastern Railway milk jug

Milk jug, silver plate, Pullman Car Company Ltd, marked on side Pullman heraldic device, second version, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, marked underneath '71', no date stamp.

Silver plated milk jug, Pullman

circa 1960

Milk jug, silver plated, Great Northern Railway, sloping sides, "GNR" interlocked monogram within ornate floral engraving, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, A1, warranted hard and silver soldered, 1915.

Silver plated milk jug, Great Northern Railway


Milk jug, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1886 Great Central Railway, curved sides with decorative engraving, "GT CENTRAL RY" with GCR coat of arms engraved below spout

Silver plated milk jug, Great Central Railway


Milk jug, silver plated (unmarked) Great Central Railway, "GT CENTRAL RLY R.G." engraved on side

Silver plated milk jug, Great Central Railway

Milk jug, 1/3 pint, silver plated, by Joseph Westby, Pullman block (BTH 64P)

Silver plated milk jug, Pullman Car Company

Milk jug, silver plated, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1919; curved sides, "LMS HOTELS" in laurel wreath on side.

Silver plated milk jug, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels


Milk jug, silver plated, London Midland & Scottish Railway, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield; 1/2 pint, plain, LMS coat of arms on side.

Silver plated milk jug, London Midland & Scottish Railway

Milk jug, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, Southern Railway, SR ensign marked on side, base stamped 16635, E&Co. in shield, M, 1103.

Silver plated milk jug, Southern Railway


Milk jug, silver plated, Great North of Scotland Railway, oval, stright-sided, fluted bottom half, "Great North of Scotland Railway Company 11" roundel engraved on side, by Roberts & Belk, Sheffield, 5612.

Silver plated milk jug, Great North of Scotland Railway

Milk jug, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Great Western Railway Hotels, 1/2 pint, straight sided, GWR roundel with banner below "HOTELS"

Silver plated milk jug, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Milk jug, silver plated, by Butler, Sheffield, Midland Railway, engraved "Midland Cars", handle with thumb piece and ball terminal.

Silver plated milk jug, Midland Railway - Midland Cars

Milk jug, ceramic, Great Western Railway - Hotels; GWR Hotels full crest, black leaf pattern, from Linfoot Collection.

Ceramic milk jug, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Milk jug, 3/8 pint, silver plated, London & North Eastern Railway, marked "LNER - RC - C" in garter on front. Overall: 87 mm x 107 mm x 66 mm.

Silver plated milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway - Restaurant Cars

Milk jug, ceramic, Midland Railway, white with black and gold band round rim, MR logo on side, supplied by Amalgamated Hotels Supplies Ltd. 11.684 x 6.35 cm.

Ceramic milk jug, Midland Railway


Milk jug, ceramic, British Transport Hotel Services, white glaze with gold lining, marked underneath 'BTHS', open block logo, from Hudson House, York.

Ceramic milk jug, British Transport Hotel Services


Milk jug, small, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Southern Railway, SR ensign marked on side, base stamped W&H, h, Sheffield, A1, waranted hard & silver solded, 55.

Silver plated milk jug, Southern Railway


Milk jug, silver plated, Great North of Scotland Railway, plain, 'Great North of Scotland Railway Company' roundel with 'II' at centre, engraved on side, by Roberts & Belk, Sheffield.

Silver plated milk jug, Great North of Scotland Railway

Milk jug, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, white with dark blue band with LNER blue monogram, 1924.

Ceramic milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway


BR Shipping milk jug,white with silver line on rim and handle, good condition and bearing makers mark and company logo

Milk jug, British Rail Shipping

Milk jug, 1/2 pint, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by F C Richards, Birmingham; GWR Hotels full crest. (BTH 172W)

Silver plated milk jug, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Milk Jug, 1/2pint, East Coast Joint Stock, flamboyant monogram, silver plate, by Walker and Hall, Sheffield, 1890-1914. The James Royston Collection of Railway Memorabilia.

Silver plated milk jug, East Coast Joint Stock - James Royston Collection


Milk jug, ½ pint, silver plated, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Gladwin Ltd, Sheffield; round, LNER scroll monogram on side.

Silver plated milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway


Milk jug, 1 pint, silver plated, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Walker and Hall, Sheffield, 1930-1940; LNER Script logo, ex BT hotels collection (no.BTH 250E).

Silver plated milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway


Milk jug, 1/4 pint, silver plate, LNER script, by Gladwin, Sheffield (BTH 253E)

Silver plated milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway

Milk jug, silver plated, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, 3 pint, marked 'LMS Hotel' in laurel wreath, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham; LMS Hotels, No 49, part of Scottish Mess Silver.

Silver plated milk jug, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels


Milk jug, 1/4 pint, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham; GWR Hotels full crest. (BTH 179W)

Silver plated milk jug, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Milk jug, 1/2 pint, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, London Brighton & South Coast Railway, plain, garter on side with flag inset "LB&SC OUEST"

Silver plated milk jug, London Brighton & South Coast Railway

Milk jug, stainless steel, by Sunnex, Great North Eastern Railway, plain, no company markings. Overall: 60 mm x 95 mm x 61 mm.

Stainless steel milk jug, Great North Eastern Railway


Milk jug, silver plate, Pullman Car Company Ltd, 1/3 pint, marked on side 'Pullman Car Company Limited' roundel with company heraldic device, with scalloped rim, by Joseph Westby & Company, Sheffield.

Silver plated milk jug, Pullman

Milk jug, ceramic, by Meakin, London & North Eastern Railway, white with blue garland and gold and blue bands, marked "Meakin Hotel Ware LNER" underneath

Ceramic milk jug, London & North Eastern Railway

Milk jug, 12 oz, silver plated, Caledonian Steam Packet Company Limited, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield; marked with roundel "Caledonian Steam Packet Company (Irish Services) with lion rampant pennant.

Silver plated milk jug, Caledonian Steam Packet Company Limited (Irish Services)

Milk jug, 1 1/2 pint, ceramic, Great Eastern Railway, white with gold edged blue band, "GER" interlocked script initials inbrown on side, "GER HOTELS" marked underneath, by Mintons.

Milk jug, 1 1/2 pint

Milk jug; silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield; Great Central Railway; "GREAT CENTRAL RY LEICESTER" and GCR coat of arms engraved on side

Silver plated milk jug, Great Central Railway - Leicester

Milk jug; ceramic, by North Staffordshire Pottery Co Ltd, Cobridge; Great Western Railway Hotels; white, with GWR roundel and "HOTELS" banner below; small

Ceramic milk jug, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Milk jug, brown ceramic, British Rail, as used in MK III, sleeping coaches, marked underneath 12-88, Duralins Dudson super vitrified, by Dudson Bros, Hanley, 1988.

Ceramic milk jug, British Rail - sleeping coaches


Milk jug, 1/2 pint, silver plate, London Midland & Scottish Railway, 'LMS Cars', open block logo marked on side, made by Mappin & Webb, London and Sheffield, Prince's Plate, Triple Deposit, C29/149.

Silver plated milk jug, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Cars

Milk jug, ceramic, British Transport Commission Hotels, white glaze with gold lining, marked underneath 'BTC Hotels', maker unknown, from Hudson House, York.

Ceramic milk jug, British Transport Commission - Hotels

circa 1962

Milk jug, half pint, sage green earthenware, British Transport Catering Services, marked underneath 'BTCS', open block logo, by Dudson, Hanley, England, from Hudson House, York.

Half pint milk jug British Transport Catering Services

Circular milk jug with spout, of pale blue and clear marbled polystyrene, waved profile, curved handle with flat top, part of toy coffee set, 1940s?, made in England by Projects

Circular milk jug with spout


Milk jug, brown ceramic, British Rail, as used in MK III, sleeping coaches. Made by Dudson Bros, Hanley, 1988. Overall: 70 mm x 100 mm 66 mm, 0.2kg.

Ceramic milk jug, British Rail - sleeping coaches


Milk jug, brown ceramic, British Rail, as used in MK III, sleeping coaches. Made by Dudson Bros, Hanley, 1985. Overall: 71 mm x 100 mm 66 mm, 0.2kg.

Ceramic milk jug, British Rail - sleeping coaches


Milk jug, brown ceramic, British Rail, as used in MK III, sleeping coaches. Made by Dudson Bros, Hanley, 1988. Overall: 70 mm x 100 mm 66 mm, 0.2kg.

Ceramic milk jug, British Rail - sleeping coaches