The Mick-a-Matic Deluxe camera, made of plastic for 126 rollfilm cartridge, 38 x 38mm in form of Mickey Mouse head. Comes with original packaging and accessories Mick-a-Matic Deluxe Camera circa 1971
Novelty minicamera for 110 cartridge film. Cartridge doubles up as key ring and coin holder, 1986, Chinese Novelty Minicamera For 110 Cartridge Film 1986
Christmas and New Year greeting card making up into 'camera obscura' pinhole camera for attachment to a 126 Instamatic camera film cartridge. Press out colour printed camera body pre creased for assembly. Metal foil for pinhole, self adhesive paper, plastic film winding knob. German assembly instructions. Kodak papermatic camera
Purchased in Paris. 'Microcolor' 'Camera 2002' 'Corteflex'. Souvenir in form of single lens reflex camera in miniature, attached to keyring. When 'viewfinder' is held to eye, and 'shutter release' is operated, 13 colour photographs of Paris are seen in succession; Le Moulin Rouge, Place de la Concorde, Le Palais de Justice, Le Pont Notre Dame, Tour Eiffel, L'Opera, La Madeleine, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, Pont St Michel, L'Hotel des Invalides, Tombe de Napoleon, Scre Coeur, Place du Tertre. Souvenir 'camera' with miniature photographs 1978