Sectional model of Bosch nozzle holder (model KB 80 S1) fitted with Bosch nozzle (model DN 8 S1) for oil engines Sectional model of Bosch nozzle holder
Korting antimony lead spray nozzle, glass tip, size S, 3/4mm orifice, (for sectioning purposes) Korting antimony lead spray nozzle
Rocket engine nozzle for the RAE RTV 1 (rocket test vehicle), fixed type. sectioned. Rocket engine nozzle for the RAE RTV 1 (rocket test vehicle)
A set of eleven Air Flow Control Nozzles and Orifices from the R.A.E.s High Altitude Test Plant. Eleven Air Flow Control Nozzles and Orifices 1945-1975
A selection of Linear Nozzles, Schlieren System Glass, Ports , Windows Ramps and seals from some of the small wind tunnels in the R.A.E. H.A.T.P. - High Altitude Test Plant. A selection of Linear Nozzles 1945-1980
Rocket engine nozzle & control plumbing for the RAE RTV1J (rocket test vehicle), swivelling nozzle. Rocket engine nozzle & control plumbing for the RAE RTV1J (rocket test vehicle)
Steam nozzle testing apparatus used in the researches of the Steam Nozzles Research Committee of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers 1914-1930. With eleven steam nozzles Steam nozzle testing apparatus
Detachable nozzle for the Raven XI motor (Skylark), designed and made by the Rocket Propulsion Establishment, Westcott, Buckinghamshire, England, 1955-1956 Detachable nozzle for the Raven XI motor (Skylark) 1955-1956
Korting antimony lead spray nozzle, glass tip, size S, 3/4mm orifice, (sectioned) Korting antimony lead spray nozzle
Tungay's water atomiser or pulverising nozzle in section Tungay's water atomiser or pulverising nozzle in section