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Ceramic pot lid for 'Heal-all' ointment


Tin of "Ki-uma" ointment for theomatic pains

Tin containing yellow Basilicon Ointment

circa 1950s

Ceramic pot lid for Josephson's Australian ointment


Ceramic pot lid for Dr. Wright's pearl ointment, supplied by Zacchens Hunter, London, 1850-1900

Ceramic pot lid for Dr. Wright's pearl ointment

2 tins of Chilblain ointment by Sanarol Brand Products, London, 1920-1950

2 tins of Chilblain ointment by Sanarol Brand Products

2 tins of Calvex Ointment, for skin, rheumatic and chest complaints, by F.C. Calvert & Co. Ltd., Manchester, 1930-1950

2 tins of Calvex Ointment

Box containing jar of Burgess' Lion Ointment for skin infections, by Edwin Burgess Ltd., London, 1955-1975

Box containing jar of Burgess' Lion Ointment for skin infections

Jar of unidentified ointment, illegible handwritten name on Savory & Moore label, possibly 'Peatts Dressing'. 64 mm x 72 mm, 353 g. Produced by Savory and Moore Ltd., London, 1910-1936.

Jar or unidentified ointment


1x27g tube in carton of Nelsons ointment for haemorrhoids, homoeopathic, by A. Nelson, 1960-1985

Nelson's Ointment for Haemorhoids


Jar of Pink Healing Ointment, for sores, by Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd., Nottingham, 1950-1970

Jar of Pink Healing Ointment

Tin of Lorimer's Chilblain Ointment, by Lorimer-Marshall Ltd., London, 1930-1950

Tin of Lorimer's Chilblain Ointment

Tin of finest Red Indian Germ Ointment, by Parkinsons, Burnley, 1940-1970

Tin of finest Red Indian Germ Ointment

3 Ointment jars in greaseproof paper containing Clarke's salve, by The Lincoln & Midland Counties Drug Co. Ltd., Lincoln, 1930-1960

3 Ointment jars in greaseproof paper containing Clarke's salve

Opaque white jar of unidentified ointment. Unknown maker, origin and date.

Jar of unidentified ointment

Tin of Germolene antiseptic ointment, by The Germolene Company, St. Helens, 1960-1980

Tin of Germolene antiseptic ointment

Small tube of Ophthalmic Ointment Myciguent (Neomycin Sulphrate), by Upjohn Ltd., Crawley, 1960-1975

Small tube of Ophthalmic Ointment Myciguent (Neomycin Sulphrate)

Box containing 50g tube of Damelia ointment for dry skin, by Pharmacia, London, 1960-1970

Box containing 50g tube of Damelia ointment for dry skin

Box containing 25g tube of Dermogesic ointment, for skin irritations,by Mark Sharp & Dohme Ltd., Hoddesdon, 1970-1980

Box containing 25g tube of Dermogesic ointment

Box containing tube of Doan's ointment, antiseptic, by Fulford Williams (International) Ltd., Middlesex, 1960-1980

Box containing tube of Doan's ointment

Jar of Anti-Gas Ointment No.2, London & North Eastern Railway issue, c1939. Full. Made by Boots Pure Drug Company Limited, Nottingham. Overall: 52 mm x 42 mm.

Anti-Gas Ointment No.2


Tube of adrenalin ointment in original carton, by Parke, Davis and Co. Ltd., English, 1920-1940

Adrenalin ointment
